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Correction/lettre de motivation

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Correction/lettre de motivation
Message de lnsrvs posté le 10-04-2017 à 18:17:34 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterais postuler pour un emploi en Angleterre mais je ne suis pas sûre de la traduction de ma lettre de motivation. Quelqu'un pourrait-il la corriger?
Merci d'avance!

"Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to enquire if you have any internship in your company. I enclose my CV for your information.
As you can see, I have had work experience in the retail sector, giving me varied skills and the ability to work with many different types of people.
I believe I could easily fit into your team. I am a conscientious person who works hard and pays attention to detail. I'm flexible, quick to pick up new skills and eager to learn from others. I also have lots of ideas and enthusiasm. I like to organize my work and environment.
I have developped a passion for beauty-related items since I was fourteen years old. What started as a way to hide my insecurities and flaws soon became addicting and before I knew it, I was searching endlessly for new products to try. I want to work in this industry, live off my passion. I strongly think now is the right time to start my adventure.
One of my strenght is my fluency in French. I live in Belgium but am disponible on short notice from 20th July 2017. I am willing to relocate to London as I strongly believe in the mobilty of people. I see London as the beginning of my career because I know the spirit is different, much more active and quick to react to the trends. It would be a thrilling venture and obliviously, one I would be willing to join.
I would be delighted to discuss any possible vacancy with you at your convenience. In case you do not have any suitable openings at the moment, I would be grateful if you would keep my CV on file for any future possibilities.

Yours sincerely."

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2017 18:34


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