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Message de nostaly posté le 04-12-2016 à 20:15:06 (S | E | F)
je souhaiterais traduire un texte mais je ne suis pas très bonne en anglais; du coup je voudrais savoir si ma traduction est bonne.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am applying for a licence XXX
I have the honor to request my registration in licence XXX, for a possible future orientation towards the sectors Human Stock management, Innovations or International Economy.
After a vat economy and social (mathematical option) which enabled me to learn some fundamental from the economy, I turned to the faculty of Economy Management, which gives me the opportunity of looking further into my assets.
It is following several stays in England that my taste for the foreign languages in particular English appeared; it is this asset which I would wish to look further into through sector EMS. Indeed, these stays enabled me to consider new approaches of the international economy and to apprehend new cultures. This is why this sector appears interesting to me because she proposes in 3rd year to leave in a university partner.
The fact that it is possible, during the course, to carry out in-company trainings would enable me to mix with the work world and thus to acquire practical knowledge.
In addition, the acquisition of knowledge in this sector would offer certainly more various opportunities to me in France or abroad for the continuation of my studies in Master degree.
For all these reasons, this licence seems to me adapted because I am curious, avid of knowledge, not being afraid to show initiative and invested in what I undertake, this is why if I am taken in this sector I intend to implement all my possible to succeed.
By hoping that you will well cordially take an action pursuant favorable to my request

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2016 21:34


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