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Question/ adverbe

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Question/ adverbe
Message de falthor posté le 16-11-2016 à 12:14:04 (S | E | F)
Firstly, I will try to express myself in English. Sorry if I make a lot of mistakes, but if I want to improve my skills I must practise.
I allow myself to open this subject for to have more information concerning a subject which is problematic to me.
How use the French word "plutôt" in English.
After doing alot of exercises on this website, I think many words can be used to explain that.
We can say : Instead, Rather, Quite, Somewhat.
Even after doing some research on google and this website, I still don't understand when to use one instead of another.

We can say in English :
1 - House A is quite expensive
2 - House A is rather expensive
3 - House A is somewhat expensive
4 - House A is instead expensive (I'm not sure of that but i don't know why)

For me :
Quite can be in French 'plutôt', 'Assez'
Rather can be in French 'plutôt', 'Vraiment'
Somewhat can be in French 'plutôt', 'Quelque peu'

So, we must used these work according the degrees we want applied ?
Somewhat < Quite < Rather
House A is somewhat expensive : It's expensive but it's OK
House A is quite expensive : It's expensive but I will seek if I found less expensive in other place
House A is rather expensive : It's expensive I must reflect if I can buy it.

I hope my question is clear.
Thanks in advance for your help

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-11-2016 18:36

Réponse : Question/ adverbe de lucile83, postée le 16-11-2016 à 22:43:18 (S | E)
You should use a dictionary for those words; you can't decide what they mean on your own.
Here is an example:
Lien internet


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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