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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


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Message de zaza77 posté le 01-10-2016 à 20:05:06 (S | E | F)
Bonjour tout le monde,
je suis en 3e et mon professeur d'anglais m'a donné un devoir maison (un texte et des questions) mais j'ai du mal à rédiger(grammaire, conjugaison...). J'aimerais donc que vous m'aidiez en ayant la gentillesse de corriger s'il vous plait. Je vous remercie par avance!
Voici mes phrases:

1) The newspaper's name is "The Sun". The proprietor is Rupert Murdoch. Lucy-Anne Holmes is a 36 year-old actress and novelist.
2) Mrs Holmes notice on the Olymic group photos of athletes, that enven The Sun newspaper was reflecting the fact that female athletes were at forefront.
3) "No More Page 3" is the name of Mrs Holmes.
4) In the newspaper the difference is the paper is shows pictures of men in suits doing thinks, whereas women just stand around in their underpants.
5) The sort of woman photographed is: girls have a shock-jock tone because they stand around in their pair of naked breasts.
6) Mrs Holmes and her supporters want that photo to disappear because it's porn and erotic, they not understand that these photos are in the newspaper, where the families of the girls can see them.
7) Mr Prescott thinks the campaign is a bad ideal. He finds that page 3 must be in the newspaper as the orther pages.
8) Mr Murdoch qualifies his enemies of killjoys, snobs, censorious feminist and hyporites who scream about Sun.
9) Lego wants no to renew a sponsorchip with the tabloid because a campaign.
10) I think that campagn is normal because:
-The Sun is not the good newspaper for porn pictures owing to it is a newspaper that talks about everything.
-Adults read The Sun, but, if children see photo erotic, they will be shocked.
But , I understand not why girls accept to photographed naked.

Merci de votre aide!!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-10-2016 21:20


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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