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Invention/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Invention/ correction
Message de mila34 posté le 25-09-2016 à 12:05:22 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis en 1re et je dois présenter à l'oral une invention dont la condition est de créer une interaction avec les autres élèves.Ils doivent me poser des questions et moi aussi. J'ai donc rédigé un texte dans cette optique. Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de m'aider à corriger mes fautes?
Merci d'avance.

Today I want to talk about an invention that I find absolutely brilliant because it offers so many possibilities for the future. This is the virtual reality. I think you have already heard spoken isn’t it?
First I would like to explain exactly what is virtual reality?
Virtual reality,also called VR, is a technology that allows a person to dive into an artificial world created digitally. It should not be confused with augmented reality. It can be a reproduction of the real world or a completely imaginary world. VR stimulates 4 of the 5 senses: vision, hearing, touch and possibly even smell.
When the person is equipped with appropriate interfaces, he may then experience some sensations related to touch or certain actions such as a sudden impact. It’s amazing is not it?
Do you know the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality?
The augmented Reality simulates artificial objects in the real environment whereas Virtual Reality creates an artificial environment to inhabit.
Well…But do you know how it works exactly?
To create a world of virtual reality, an environment is initially modeled using calculation software and simulation 3D, identical to those used in the industry.
The 3D images are then projected in stereo on mirrors that reflect on an interface (screen). The user is provided with stereoscopic glasses synchronized with the projected images.
The interaction with the interface is achieved through a motion capture system (called tracking) compound infrared cameras that measure the movement of markers placed on the user.
These markers can be placed on the glasses, feet, back, gloves or a joystick held by the user. They allow grasping an object with his hand and moving or walking on room to move in the virtual world.
The user can also:
- Feel the texture of the materials,
- Feel the weight and temperature of an object,
- Having the sensation of shaking hands with a person

According to you, except video games how Virtual Reality is being used today?
Effectively, VR has a potential beyond gaming. It’s already used in the museums and the amusement parks but also in the military to train soldiers and prepare them for combat situations, but it can also be used for surgeons, pilots and countless other professions to practice and learn their craft in a safe way. In medicine, post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias are also treated with this technology.

Does anyone know when and who invented virtual reality?
In fact, there are several inventors who followed one another. They are all American. They each contributed to improve this
technology but I will speak to you only about two first. In 1960, an inventor and filmmaker Morton Heilig invented a machine called Sensorama. It was equipped with a device to stimulate the five senses to create the illusion of a true immersion, using fans, odor generators and chair movement. Between 1965 and 1968 a professor at Harvard University named Ivan Sutherland invents with his student Bob Sprull the first virtual reality headset.
His headset is called 'Sword of Damocles’ because of its form. Then in the 90s, video game manufacturers like Atari or Nintendo have released their VR helmets but it was a commercial failure

Do you know how much one equipment costs?
There are several different models. Google has released a cardboard model called Cardboard for use with a Smartphone as a display system. It costs less than twenty Euros. Several manufacturers like Samsung (Gear VR), HTC (HTC Vive), Sony (PlayStation VR) and Oculus (Oculus Rift) have released helmets with motion sensors mainly for video games and applications récréatives. However, they are more expensive, and you must connect to a computer or a game console. For example, the HTC vive costs nearly thousand Euros. Of course these modern VR technologies require powerful computers to produce the graphics at the necessary resolution and frame rate.
Personally I never had the occasion to test this new technology but I would like much to do it. And so who of you ever tested?

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-09-2016 13:46


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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