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Correction/ CV et lettre

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Correction/ CV et lettre
Message de smerch posté le 30-05-2016 à 17:35:04 (S | E | F)
Est-ce que vous pourriez corriger ces deux documents s'il vous plait ?
Un tout grand merci !

Baulers, the 21 mai 2016

Dear Madam, Dear Sir
Having followed the events in the region andh interested by your action, I am the work of your site of information. It's in the idea to bring my dedication, my skills and my motivation which I writes you to propose my assistance.
At present French teacher was awarded a diploma by the Ecole xxx (Catholic teachers' training college of the xxx) of the city of xxx, I previously practised as journalist specialized in the xxx matters. I worked for the company xxx and collaborated with diverse web sites and specialized magazines and visited various xxx (xxx) within the framework of my work.
Knowing well the domain and arranging good editorial qualities thanks to my past of journalist and my teacher's formation , I would like collaborate with your news agency.
I am obviously at your disposal to supply you all the further information which you would like to obtain.
Sincerely Yours.

École Normale xxx of xxx (obtaining regent's title in French and French foreign language).
Institute of Higher education of xxx.

Since September, 2015
French teacher in the xxx (Belgium)
Collaborator of the company xxx
Collaborator to the magazine xxx
Before 2011
Regular writer fot xxx website

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-05-2016 18:00
Anonymat requis.

Réponse: Correction/ CV et lettre de smerch, postée le 30-05-2016 à 20:40:31 (S | E)
Salut !
Désolé pour les bourdes (la politesse et l'anonymat), j'aurais dû être plus attentif.
Encore merci à celui ou celle qui m'aidera.


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