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Bac/ Robots

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/ Robots
Message de elolp posté le 11-05-2016 à 17:09:23 (S | E | F)
Hey,i Hello,
have my oral on Friday; is it possible to tell me if it's good or not and correct me please?
Thank you for your answers

I am going to speak about the notion of “Idea of Progress” .For me the ideas of progress is something which is really important today : we need to evolve and we need to create new things and think about our futur . Engeenier and scientifist think about it and create new things . At the moment , robots are into the center of the attention since the 20th century , they are more sophisticaded than before. There are two many types of robots : robots without and with articial intelligence . Those robots are seen as something which come from our futur. But is there only benefits in robots evolution? First , i'll develop why there is mostly benefits in robots evolution and after , why we have to be careful about it .

Robots can't have feelings so if in a job they need to react quickly when somthing is going wrong , they can do their job without stress . Ex : Robots DA VINCI
They can help old people in their everyday life , doing chores ( hoovering , ironing, cleaning ) ex : cleaning robots
In the army , they can take the unsafe fonction like going in war zone and if there is a problem , robot will be kill but the humans will be safe .
Robots may resolve scientifical problem beaucause they are intelligent
Now , there are robots who can read emotions , and it is really incrdible because it is a machine . Ex : Pepper , I robot

But there are inconvenients too :
-They could be more intelligent than us and maybe one day the will be free and we 'll not be able to control them . Ex : Ex_Machine
They'll steal some jobs which was for studients or people who don't have qualifications
Ex : CO interview with Martin ford , author of 'rise of the robots , technology and the threat of a jobless future »
We loose our autonomy and we become dependant on robots for everything , and maybe one day , we'll not be able to do some things by ourself.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2016 22:08


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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