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Message de warda51 posté le 19-04-2016 à 18:44:25 (S | E | F)
Je souhaite partir en Royaume-uni pour un séjour linguistique d'anglais. Mon niveau d'anglais étant intermédiaire, j'ai eu du mal à réaliser mon CV.
J'aimerais travailler en tant que serveuse dans la restauration à temps partiel pour financer mon séjour.
J'ai besoin de l'aide pour une correction de mon CV que j'ai traduit sur google, je suis sûre que c'est bourré rempli de fautes ...
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Prénom Nom
Nationality : French
xx bis bd du xxxx
750xx xxx
Date of Birth: xxxxxxxxxxxx
Phone : (+33) XXX XX XX XX

Motivated, serious and hardworking, looking for a part-time job (6-12 months) in restauration. Available to work from 2pm, Monday to Fridday, and anytime over the weekend.

2014 : Bachelor degree (a 3 years) « Business Administration», University of Rheims (France)
The courses include the folowing :
Management, Company Law, Employement Law, Tax Law, English, Economics, Mathematics, Coste control, humans resources, accounting ...
2011 : Baccalauréat : (Equivalent to A-levels ) specialized in Marketing

Lanuages : Bilingual french/arabic
Conversational english

Skills :Welcoming and friendly personality •Excellent communication skills •Flexibility in adapting to a new work environment •Fast learner •Phsically fit.

11/2015 - Today Interpreter french/arabic/gorane, freelance, Ism Interpretariat, xxx France
Facilitated dialogue between professionals and users •Support migrants in administrative procedures •Update my language and cultural knowledge.

10/2015 - 02/2016 Volunteer civic service, xxx, France
receive, inform and guide jobseekers •Help them to use internet services •Assisting people with disabilities.

07/2011-09/2015 Babysitter, xxx, France
Preparing, serving and feeding meals to the children, bathing and dressing the children, and assisting them with daily activities
•Took the children out for work, played games with theme.

08/2014-08/2014 Sales assistant, Deepak Style, xxx, India
Greeting customers, informing customers about products, princes and quality and making suggestion •Keeping the storie cleand and neat.

01/2014 – 02/2014 Assistant, xxx,xxx France
Reception •Telephone surveys •Check the expense of permanent staff •Follow the medical aptitude sheets.

Volontariat, E-shopping, fitness, cooking, music, travels.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2016 22:32


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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