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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Erreur/ syntaxe
Message de coxie posté le 03-11-2015 à 20:17:21 (S | E | F)
j'ai rédigé une réponse à une question, je désirerais savoir s'il y a des fautes à mon anglais s'il vous plait?
Merci par avance si vous pouvez m'aider.

I find this nice film, I don't have a great emotion to shear a tear, but this movie can't me indifferent by it theme.
Also, I enjoy the style film, because it change we use to go to see with the school, often movies with special effects, horror, shooting cetera, so I had more satisfaction watching it.
Without being a masterpiece, we pass a good time, so I enjoy this film.
It traces the family background, academic, and emotional of a young boy and shows the ususpected capacities of the person with autism. It's just a little regrettable the relationship between mother and son may at times that can tarnish the exchange between them and the atmosphere. Finally, the music is good, and can also give a dyamic to the film, and I remember the following sentence from the movie that affected me " as I do not talk much, people think that I have nothing to say but it is not true I have many things to say...", because it sums up the situation.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-11-2015 21:17

Réponse: Erreur/ syntaxe de laure95, postée le 04-11-2015 à 10:38:01 (S | E)
- I find this nice film: à mettre au passé + inverser les 2 derniers mots.
- I don't have a great emotion to shear a tear: mal dit.
- but this movie can't me indifferent: il manque un verbe avant 'indifferent'.
- by it: possessif.
- the style: pas le bon mot.
- it change: conjugaison.
- we use to go to see: mal dit.
- we pass: pas le bon mot.
- I enjoy this film: mettre au passé.
- It traces the family background, academic, and emotional: adjectifs devant le nom.
- ususpected: orthographe.
- mother and son: mettre article ou possessif.
- may: il manque un verbe après.
- the music is good: passé.
-a dyamic


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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