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A trailer/Correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


A trailer/Correction
Message de kaleid posté le 11-09-2015 à 18:39:11 (S | E | F)
je souhaiterais que quelqu'un puisse m'aider à corriger mon résumé, s'il vous plaît. Je remercie d'avance ceux ou celles qui prendront le temps de m'aider!

This document is a trailer of the movie: "How the west wa won". This film possess a rather large number of archetypes of the west. First we have the mountain man, who kept on a good business connection with the Indians. Moreover we can see the typical scene of the settlers being pursued by the desperado, and also the famous scene of the train robbery where the u.s marshall try to track down the outlaws. Futhermore there are the representation of the civil war between the yankees and the confederates for the abolition of slavery. A war which began in 1861 and finished in 1865 with the emancipation proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln. Therefore in the movie appears Abraham Lincoln but also the general sherman and grant.

Sur ce je vous souhaite à tous une bonne journée!
P.S: Correction de quelques fautes que j'ai constatées...

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-09-2015 18:51
Motif validé

Réponse: A trailer/Correction de here4u, postée le 12-09-2015 à 11:18:11 (S | E)
Hello !
This document is a trailer of the movie: "How the west waS won". This film possess(GR and voc) a rather large number of archetypes of the west. First we have the mountain man, who kept on a good business connection with the Indians(= Politically Incorrect = the Native Americans.). Moreover we can see the typical scene of the settlers being pursued by the desperado, and also the famous scene of the train robbery where the u.s marshall try (GR and aspect)to track down the outlaws. Futhermore there are the representation of the civil war between the yankees and the confederates for the abolition of slavery. A war which began in 1861 and finished in 1865 with the emancipation proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln. Therefore in the movie appears Abraham Lincoln(word order) but also the general sherman and grant.(very clumsy and un-English!)

Hope it'll help!

Réponse: A trailer/Correction de kaleid, postée le 12-09-2015 à 14:42:25 (S | E)
je vous remercie du temps que vous prenez afin de m'aider. Voici ce que j’obtiens après correction:
This document is a trailer of the movie: "How the west was won". This film owns a rather large number of archetypes of the west. First we have the mountain man, who kept a good business connection with the Native Americans. Moreover we can see the typical scene of the settlers being pursued by the desperado, and also the famous scene of the train robbery where the u.s (là je ne vois pas l'erreur...) marshall tries to track down the outlaws. Futhermore there is a representation of the Civil war between the Yankees and the Confederates for the abolition of slavery. A war which began in 1861 and finished in 1865 with the Emancipation Proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln. Therefore in the teaser Abraham Lincoln appears but so do generals Sherman and Grant.

P.S: Correction de quelques fautes...(en vert )

Réponse: A trailer/Correction de here4u, postée le 12-09-2015 à 20:51:54 (S | E)
hello !

This document is a trailer('the trailer of'or 'one of the trailers') of the movie: "How the west was won". This film owns (here, you're translating from the French expression ... It can't work!) a rather large number of archetypes of the west. First we have the mountain man, who kept a good business connection with the Native Americans. Moreover we can see the typical scene of the settlers being pursued by the desperado, and also the famous scene of the train robbery where the u.s = capitals!)(là je ne vois pas l'erreur...) marshall tries to track down the outlaws. Futhermore there is a representation of the Civil war between the Yankees and the Confederates for the abolition of slavery. A war which began in 1861 and finished in 1865 with the Emancipation Proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln. Therefore in the teaser Abraham Lincoln appears but so do generals Sherman and Grant.

Réponse: A trailer/Correction de kaleid, postée le 12-09-2015 à 21:07:20 (S | E)

une nouvelle fois je vous remercie de votre aide ! Voici ce que j'obtiens après correction:

This document is a trailer (je ne sais pas, j'en n'ai vu qu'un en classe) of the movie: "How the west was won". This film possesses a rather large number of archetypes of the west. First we have the mountain man, who kept a good business connection with the Native Americans. Moreover we can see the typical scene of the settlers being pursued by the desperado, and also the famous scene of the train robbery where the U.S marshall tries to track down the outlaws. Futhermore there is a representation of the Civil war between the Yankees and the Confederates for the abolition of slavery. A war which began in 1861 and finished in 1865 with the Emancipation Proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln. Therefore in the teaser Abraham Lincoln appears with Generals Sherman and Grant.

Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne soirée!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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