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The missing vowels/133

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The missing vowels/133
Message de marit64 posté le 30-07-2015 à 02:28:13 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is still given in 5 out of 10 answers.

1- Unreasonable or ridiculous. ..... (brsd) 2
2- A type of wild animal similar to a dog or wolf. ..... (kjlc) 2
3- A person with a hump on his back. ..... (hhkccnb)
4- A type of spectacles used to protect the eyes from dust, water etc. ..... (lggsg)
5- A ball of hail. ..... (thnsl)
6- A synonym of "spine". ..... (kbbnc)
7- To send a person out of the country because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there. ..... (rdtp) 2
8- Skilful, capable. ..... (nftcf) 4
9- A knife used for opening envelopes etc. ..... (kpfpnr-) 4
10- Any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land. ..... (ls)

Good luck and have fun!

I wish you a very beautiful week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/133 de flowermusic, postée le 30-07-2015 à 07:13:29 (S | E)
Hello Marit

That's my work

1- Unreasonable or ridiculous. ..... (brsd) 2 absurd
2- A type of wild animal similar to a dog or wolf. ..... (kjlc) 2 jackal
3- A person with a hump on his back. ..... (hhkccnb) hunchback
4- A type of spectacles used to protect the eyes from dust, water etc. ..... (lggsg) goggles
5- A ball of hail. ..... (thnsl) hailstone
6- A synonym of "spine". ..... (kbbnc) backbone
7- To send a person out of the country because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there. ..... (rdtp) 2 deport
8- Skilful, capable. ..... (nftcf) 4 efficient
9- A knife used for opening envelopes etc. ..... (kpfpnr-) 4 paper-knife
10- Any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land. ..... (ls) seal

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/133 de , postée le 30-07-2015 à 21:47:21 (S | E)
Hi my dear Marit .
Here is my try :

1- Unreasonable or ridiculous. ..... (brsd) 2 . - Absurd.- Ridicule.
2- A type of wild animal similar to a dog or wolf. ..... (kjlc) 2 . - Jackal. - Chacal.
3- A person with a hump on his back. ..... (hhkccnb) . - Hunchback.- Bossu.
4- A type of spectacles used to protect the eyes from dust, water etc. ..... (lggsg). - Goggles. - Lunettes.
5- A ball of hail. ..... (thnsl) . - Hailstone. Grêlon.
6- A synonym of "spine". ..... (kbbnc) . - Backbone. - Colonne vertebrale.
7- To send a person out of the country because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there.(rdtp) 2 .- Deport.- Déporter.
8- Skilful, capable. ..... (nftcf) 4 . - Efficient. - Efficace.
9- A knife used for opening envelopes etc. ..... (kpfpnr-) 4 . - Paper-knife.- Coupe-papier
10- Any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land. ..... (ls). - Seal. - Phoque.
Have a nice afternoon Marit.

Modifié par afarodj le 30-07-2015 23:21

Réponse : The missing vowels/133 de , postée le 30-07-2015 à 23:59:09 (S | E)
Helle everyboday

1- Unreasonable or ridiculous. Absurd (brsd) 2 
2- A type of wild animal similar to a dog or wolf. Jackal (kjlc) 2 
3- A person with a hump on his back. Hunchback (hhkccnb)
4- A type of spectacles used to protect the eyes from dust, water etc. Goggles (lggsg)
5- A ball of hail. Hailstone (thnsl)
6- A synonym of "spine". Backbone (kbbnc)
7- To send a person out of the country because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there. Deport (rdtp) 2 
8- Skilful, capable. Efficient (nftcf) 4 
9- A knife used for opening envelopes etc. Paper-knife (kpfpnr-) 4 
10- Any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land. Seal (ls) 

Thank you Marit

Réponse : The missing vowels/133 de joe39, postée le 07-08-2015 à 11:50:06 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit,

Here I'm with my try, I do hope you'll find satisfactory.

1- Unreasonable or ridiculous. absurd..... (brsd) 2
2- A type of wild animal similar to a dog or wolf. jackal..... (kjlc) 2
3- A person with a hump on his back. hunchback..... (hhkccnb)
4- A type of spectacles used to protect the eyes from dust, water etc. .goggles.... (lggsg)
5- A ball of hail. .hailstone... (thnsl)
6- A synonym of "spine". backbone..... (kbbnc)
7- To send a person out of the country because he has committed a crime or because he is not officially supposed to be there. ..deport... (rdtp) 2
8- Skilful, capable. ..efficient... (nftcf) 4
9- A knife used for opening envelopes etc. .paperknife.... (kpfpnr-) 4
10- Any of several types of sea animal, some furry, living partly on land. seal..... (ls)

I thank you very much for the nice exercise and looking forward to seeing the next one, I remain, wishing you,

a pleasant weekend.

Yours friendly



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