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Correction/ ///summary (1)

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Correction/ ///summary
Message from vibolcambodge posted on 05-06-2015 at 09:56:18
Hello Everyone,
Could you help me to correct my summary please? Thanks for any reply.
The open window

Mr. Framton Nuttel went to the countryside on his doctor’s advice to cure his nervous from which he suffers. His sister has given him a letters of introduction to his new neighbors.
Mr. Framton Nuttel first met Mrs. Sappleton’s niece Vera. When she realized that Mr. Framton Nuttel know nothing about his family, she made up story of opening window. She is good at making up story. She told him that the window is kept open because her aunt’s husband and her brothers were killed in accident. The all drowned in a swamp three years ago. They came and pass through the window. Mrs Stapleton believes they will come back one day. When Mrs. Stapleton comes down, she talks about her husband and brothers. Mr. Framton gets more and more nervous. He tries to change the conversation by talking about his health. But, she don’t listen to him. She continues talking until her husband and brothers are coming with their dog. Mr. Framton believes they were ghost, he grabs his hat and runs away.
Mrs. Stapleton don’t understand why he has run away. Her niece Vera explains that Mr. Frampton Nuttel was afraid of dogs.

Thank you in advance!

Edited by lucile83 on 05-06-2015 18:42

Re: Correction/ ///summary by lucile83, posted on 05-06-2015 at 18:46:36
Why do you want us to correct that text copied from Internet?

This is strictly prohibited.

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