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Aide /CV

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Aide /CV
Message de amelia44 posté le 04-06-2015 à 23:23:18 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je rencontre un petit problème car je dois réaliser un CV en anglais mais malheureusement je ne connais aucun natif anglais qui pourrait m'aider à corriger mon cv.
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me venir en aide? Merci de votre aide.
Voici mon Cv :

Dynamic, motivated and cheerful, I hope international lead a professional career in the field of export and international strategy.
Export Sales Assistant at xxx, a medical imaging company located in xxx in France.
- Prospecting activities (mailing and phoning)
- Market studies on the equipment in radiology in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland
- Meetings and clients follow-up
- Creation of company newsletters and drawing of quotations

Leisure officer (agent de loisirs) in the amusement park xxx, in xxx). 6 months of annual mission where my skills have been recognized for several years.
- Receptionist : welcoming of academic groups and families in French, English, German, and also drafting of instructions and tips
- Tourist Attraction Manager : control officer and preparation of playgrounds
- Outdoor fun activities for general audience

Master’s degree – Foreign Languages applied to International Business – University of xxx - France

Bachelor’s degree – Foreign Languages applied to International Business – University of xxx - France
- Carry out of a market research on grain consumption by the French population
- Report on “ Les machines de l’Ile xxx”
- Creation of a website for an association xxx offering some help to individuals

Literary baccalaureate –xxx Grammar school with intensive Spanish courses – xxx – France
- First language : English
- Second language : Spanish
- Third language : German

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-06-2015 23:26

Réponse: Aide /CV de bluestar, postée le 05-06-2015 à 10:54:48 (S | E)
Dynamic, motivated and cheerful, I hope international lead a professional career in the field of export and international strategy.
Export Sales Assistant at xxx, a medical imaging company located in xxx in France.
- Prospecting activities (mailing and phoning)
- Market studies on the equipment in radiology equipment in Belgium, Germany and Switzerland
- Meetings and clients follow-up
- Creation of company newsletters and drawing of quotations

Leisure officer (agent de loisirs) in the amusement park xxx, in xxx). 6 months of annual mission where my skills have been recognized for several years.
- Receptionist : welcoming of academic groups and families in French, English, German, and also drafting of instructions and tips
- Tourist Attraction Manager : control officer and preparation of playgrounds
- Outdoor fun activities for general audience

Master’s degree – Foreign Languages applied to International Business – University of xxx - France

Bachelor’s degree – Foreign Languages applied to International Business – University of xxx - France
- Carry out of a market research on grain consumption by the French population
- Report on “ Les machines de l’Ile xxx”
- Creation of a website for an association xxx offering some help to individuals

Literary baccalaureate –xxx Grammar school with intensive Spanish courses – xxx – France
- First language : English
- Second language : Spanish
- Third language : German
"My first language" signifie "ma langue maternelle". Assurément, ce français est dans votre cas?

Réponse: Aide /CV de amelia44, postée le 05-06-2015 à 12:49:02 (S | E)
Merci de votre aide =)

oui le français est ma langue maternelle, je vais donc modifier en mettant : first foreign language - English. C'est peut être mieux


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