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Correction / motivation

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Correction / motivation
Message de ladyjay posté le 30-04-2015 à 21:45:31 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'indiquer s'il y a des fautes d’orthographe ou de tournure de phrases s'il vous plait ? Merci d'avance pour vos réponses !

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am currently doing a D.U.T in sales techniques (2nd year) at IUT ... . I am applying to your bachelor because of the program which is entirely in English.
I’ve read your brochure with attention and it confirms what I want about your program: a part of general knowledge in business and the possibility to go abroad for an internship.
Through this bachelor, I am sure that I will adapt myself quickly. Indeed, this program offers a multidisciplinary program with a lot of team work but also personal work that corresponds exactly to my current degree, a D.U.T in sales techniques. Anyway, I would define myself as a persevering person so I don’t stop at the first hurdle if it’s hard. I believe that when we want something, we can get it.
I really wanted to assist at your course because I perfectly know that being able to speak in English fluently is an opportunity which constitutes an advantage during an interview or on a resume, and that will enable me to integrate the professional life more easily.
After obtaining this degree, I plan to prepare a master in communication in schools as CELSA or Paris-Dauphine University where foreign languages are important.
I thank you in advance for your consideration of my enthusiasm to assist your courses.
Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2015 22:08


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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