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Correction/cover letter

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Correction/cover letter
Message de elidon posté le 28-03-2015 à 14:45:16 (S | E | F)
je suis un étudiant en école d'ingénieur en génie électrique. Je souhaite partir cet été pour un stage de niveau technicien en Irlande.
Je vous demande, s'il vous plaît, de corriger ma lettre que voici:

Currently, I am a student in my second year of a three-year graduate course in electrical engineering at xxx in xxx, France. Doing a two-month internship as a technician is an integral part of my course.
As you can see from my enclosed resume, I have done an internship at the fossil fuel-fired power station in xxx which, allowed me to learn how to use Vijeo Pro Designer and UNITY Pro software for the implantation of a new automaton on a generating unit. For the more during my studies, I have acquired skills in programming with Siemens products. Moreover, I have a 2 year degree in electronic that allowed me to learn the distribution of electricity and how we can transform it to maximize production in industry.
I would very much like to do my internship at TEC. As a future energy engineer, I am interested in distribution in electricity particularly in industries. I am also keen to learn more about the industrial hydraulic system and which security process applies for workers on the ground.
From your corporate website, it appears that you work since 75 years ago; it allowed you to have a good experience in negotiating, manufacturing and repairing. I am extremely attracted by this opportunity and feel that I have already acquired some of the skills and awareness necessary to make and effective contribution to the company. Moreover, Tec industrial is allowed to sell hazardous product, a particular range that I want to learn more for my career.
I would be happy to meet with you personally to discuss my suitability for an internship with your firm.
I hope that you will consider my application favorably and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Je vous remercie par avance,
Bonne journée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-03-2015 14:59


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