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The French 'R' (1)

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The French 'R'
Message de catsank posté le 16-01-2015 à 13:14:49
Bonjour !
I'm a French student and Francophile just beginning my journey of learning this beautiful language. I'm using Rosetta Stone software and various online services and books. My biggest problem at the moment seems to be my incapability of properly pronouncing the French R. Having been a student of Spanish for many years, it seems that every time I try to pronounce the R in French, it comes out as a rolling/trilled Spanish R. Have you found that practice makes perfect when it comes to correct pronunciation, or is this something that I will probably never truly master because it isn't my native tongue? If there are any techniques or tools you've used to improve on your pronunciation, I would greatly appreciate hearing about it!
Merci !
Modifié par bridg le 16-01-2015 14:28
Sur le forum français, il est demandé de parler français.

Réponse: The French 'R' de razzor, postée le 16-01-2015 à 13:30:12

English is my native tongue and I find the French R very easy, however the Spanish R seems impossible for me. I suppose it depends on the person. I started to learn Spanish years after having started to learn French and the Spanish pronunciation seemed daunting at first.

I would advise you to keep practising. If it helps, try clearing your throat as though you were ill. You should eventually get to grips with the French R. Also, try saying 'très' over and over again until you are comfortable with it. Listen to a French native pronounce it (maybe from Google Translator) so you can mimic it.

I hope that helps and good luck!

EDIT: Try this French tongue twister: Trois très gros, gras, grands rats gris grattent

Modifié par razzor le 16-01-2015 13:50

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