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Aide /lettre Erasmus

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Aide /lettre Erasmus
Message de czech posté le 02-01-2015 à 16:41:42 (S | E | F)
Je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation pour partir en ERASMUS à Prague l'année prochaine. Mon niveau en anglais ayant pas mal baissé, j'aurais besoin d'une petite correction svp s'il vous plaît
Merci d'avance.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am currently a third year student in architecture at the national school of Rennes and I am very interested in spending my next year in the Czech technical university in Prague. It is a project I think about before beginning my architecture studies and which I have the opportunity to realize today.

More than just a wish, travelling is for me a real need. In one hand, it obviously represents a real plus for my labor market entry. In the other hand, I am sure it is an adventure which will teach me a lot of things about myself. I can’t wait to meet a lot of new people and to share experiences with them. According to me, an architect must move, notice, compare contexts, listen and exchange. That’s why I find this year abroad very important.

I never had the chance to travel in central Europe countries. However, these ones particularly attract me. Moreover, some French students had shared their experiences in Prague with me and I understood this university really match with my expectations. And I can’t wait to roam and discover this city which seems full of mixing. The length of the agility of 10 months is an interesting period, to discover the university, to dive in the culture of the country ans to meet the Czech.

Able of a good adaptation, I like to travel. I am an autonomous, serious and dynamic person.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-01-2015 16:45


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