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Correction/ideas for future

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Correction/ideas for future
Message de framboise974 posté le 05-11-2014 à 16:22:41 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mon expression écrite (sous forme de lettre) s'il vous plaît ? Si oui, n'hésitez pas à faire toutes les remarques nécessaires.
Merci d'avance.

Sujet : Write a letter to a magazine giving your point of view on the danger that a global city like London may create in different fields (environment, social and economic issue etc ), give your opinion on existing measures to improve urban life and suggest new idea for the future.

Hoarau Laurine
From the Times
At the Queen's Walk London

This is a open letter
The megacities are something new, they were emerge 50 years ago on Earth. I think the major danger in this global city as London is the pollution wich resulting first for us a bad health and more adverse effects on the earth, if ago don't have the earth. That we become ! The poverty is the second problem in the global city because the unemployment create a gap between the poor and the rich. More than the exodus rural create unemployment because the city is overcrowded consequently the ghettos were created. It's therefore a society problem . The living standard is very down and it's more and more hard . The capital city attracts all the money , it's a magnet, and leaves the campaign only ("face à" je sais pas comment le dire) theirs economics problems. Nowadays many programmes are created to improve transport, and it's great. For exemple there is london'sroad congestion charge orin Paris the Vélib.With the news technology every one use carpool and for my part it's a very good idea. Besides the electric car were appeared since a little time, also this is clean car. The governement do Young prevention for fight against pollution, he try to change the mentalities for do evolve the society.In the futur, I think ("que le but" je ne sais pas non plus comment le dire correctement)is increase the energy renovable consumption and decrease energy nucléaire cosumption.Should be create news mode of transport. Prevent the exodus rural in is promoting people who live yet in the campaign in helping the creation of companies

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-11-2014 17:11


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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