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CV /Lettre motivation

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CV /Lettre motivation
Message de sylvinho posté le 23-10-2014 à 20:42:05 (S | E | F)
pour mon BTS Tourisme, je dois rédiger mon CV et lettre de motivation en anglais.
Pourriez-vous m'indiquer mes erreurs éventuelles ou m'aiguiller s'il vous plaît ?

Personal details : Home adress : Phone number : Date of birth : Age : 18 Nationality : French

Education : 2014-2015 :

First year of Higher National Diploma in tourism – High School xxx
2013/2014 : University degree in economics – University of xxx
2013 : French secondary school diploma in Economic and Social Sciences with honors – High School xxx 2010 : Junior High Diploma, C grade with honors – College xxx

Work experiences : 2014 : Trainee in an employment agency during 4 weeks – Business development , in charge of recruitment 2012 : Traineeship with a salesperson during 2 weeks – Secretary , business development
2010 : Traineeship in a restaurant during 1 week – restaurant service and cooking –

Skills : Working knowledge of English / English-language European section Working knowledge of spanish
Computer skills : Word, Excel, Powerpoint ( computer literate )
Interets : Practice of sports : cycling , mountain bike , bodybuilding , running Passionned by fashion Member of an association for Blood Donation – Organising member of sports events

Voici ma lettre de motivation :
Object : Application for a traineeship within the company
Dear Sir,
Currently, I'm in first year of Higher National Diploma in tourism and I search a traineeship for the period of 1st to 19th december in 2014.. Informed the notoriety of your company, this traineeship would allow expose to the professional world. I have for objective to perfect me in this domain. This traineeship would offer me the possibility to develop my professional project in order to pursue my studies. This experience would offer me the possibily to expand my curriculum vitae. I will use my capacity for adaptation to be ( le plus rapidement possible ) operational within the working team. I remain at your disposal for others informations.
Sincerely yours.

Dans l'attente de vos réponses

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-10-2014 20:57

Réponse: CV /Lettre motivation de sylvinho, postée le 24-10-2014 à 10:39:53 (S | E)
Merci d'avance


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