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Correction/ présentation

Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons || En bas


Correction/ présentation
Message de pomme4444 posté le 24-09-2014 à 18:34:26 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone !
I would like to write a blurb to an English family, because I want to become an au pair. If you could correct this text, it would help me a lot, thank you to you!

Dear family,
I'm looking for the ideal family.
I am looking for a family who could welcome me as part of the family but of course I have not forgotten that I have professional obligations.
It is very important for me to feel good to be good with children to keep.
I know it's a great responsibility to care for them.
I bring you my love of life, my strength and my patience.
I am the last of a family of five children.
My father is a policeman and my mother no longer works.
We have 2 dogs and 1 pet cat, chickens and sheep in a large garden.
I like cooking and baking
Household chores are not a problem since I also worked weekends in the elderly for 2 years.
I was a waitress, kitchen help and diver for 4 years in a restaurant during the summer seasons.
I am available immediately and take care of my plane ticket.
My goal, through this experience that will, I'm sure rich for everyone, is to master the English language perfectly.
Each day will be a pleasure for me to speak and dreaming in English.
See you soon.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-09-2014 18:48


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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