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Relecture /Work Experience

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Relecture /Work Experience
Message de marionparis posté le 10-03-2014 à 17:26:35 (S | E | F)
Je suis en train de traduire mon cv en anglais. Pouvez-vous me dire si la traduction de mes expériences pro est correcte?
En vous remerciant par avance

XXXXXX, xxx, France
Sales Engineer (Professional training contract)
- Established monographs and implemented it to sales team
- Helped to prepare the commercial action plan with a view to Eurosatory exhibition
- Qualified customers, prospects and suspects CRM forms
- Realized commercial prospection on Milipol and Pollutec exhibition
Two consultations obtained and forwarded to the sales department

XXXXXX, xxx, France
Sales manager (Internship)
- Prepared the commercial launch of a new communication technology developed by the start-up
- Improved the business strategy and its development plan
- Organized our participation to Lumiville exhibition and managed a team of six engineers
Partnership with Microsoft obtained after prospection carried out at Roland Garros
Won a call for tenders after prospection carried out during “La Journée du Livre au Numérique”

XXXXXX, Sales manager (Internship)
- Managed communication actions to promote the website to the expatriates
- Sell advertising spaces on the SNN websites
Increased the number of unique visitors by 8%
Signed five sales contract of advertising spaces

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-03-2014 22:03

Réponse: Relecture /Work Experience de marionparis, postée le 10-03-2014 à 19:51:37 (S | E)
up! Help please

Réponse: Relecture /Work Experience de gerondif, postée le 10-03-2014 à 23:14:56 (S | E)
quelques remarques, mais je en suis pas un spécialiste du verbiage cv:

XXXXXX, xxx, France
Sales Engineer (Professional training contract)
- Established monographs and implemented it to sales team
- Helped to prepare the commercial action plan with a view to Eurosatory exhibition
- Qualified customers, prospects and suspects CRM forms
- Realized commercial prospection on Milipol and Pollutec exhibition
Two consultations obtained and forwarded to the sales department

XXXXXX, xxx, France
Sales manager (Internship)
- Prepared the commercial launch of a new communication technology developed by the start-up
- Improved the business strategy and its development plan
- Organized our participation to Lumiville exhibition and managed a team of six engineers
Partnership with Microsoft obtained after prospection carried out at Roland Garros
Won a call for tenders after prospection carried out during “La Journée du Livre au Numérique”

XXXXXX, Sales manager (Internship)
- Managed communication actions to promote the website to the expatriates
- Sell(sold?) advertising spaces on the SNN websites
Increased the number of unique(dans quel sens , uniques, ou seuls (single) visitors by 8%
Signed five sales contracts of advertising spaces


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