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Cover Letter Internship/ help

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Cover Letter Internship/ help
Message de raven46 posté le 12-12-2013 à 21:55:56 (S | E | F)
Je suis en école d’ingénieur et j'aimerais faire un stage en Angleterre. Est-ce que vous pourriez m'aider à corriger ma lettre de motivation s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance.

Dear Human Ressources Manager

I am writing to explore the possibility of participating in an internship program in your company.

I am a French student, in Supmeca Paris, a French mechanical engineering school. I am required by my school to complete an assistant engineer internship in a foreign company during my second years. My internship must last at least 6 months and must be between the beginning of July and the end of January.

I will do an internship in January 2014 in Eurocopter an EADS section as a worker, thanks to this experience I will have a better knowledge of the company world and of the human relationship.
The internship which I would like to do in your company is to me a great step in my profesional plan, since it will be my first work experience with engineer.

“XX”(the company name) has retained my mind because I am passionate about aeronautic and I would like work in this sector at the end of my enginerring school.

In my opinion I have a good sense of adaptation, and I think own required qualities to be efficient quickly.

I look forward to hearing from you soon. I believe that my motivation, personal skills and studies will allow me to do an intership with you.


Modifié par lucile83 le 12-12-2013 22:31


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