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The missing vowels/48

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The missing vowels/48
Message de marit64 posté le 31-10-2013 à 00:40:07 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
This week the number of vowels is given in 4 out of 10 answers.

1- The science of living things. ..... (gbl)
2- A piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt. ..... (rnp)
3- A person's native land. ..... (mdhnl) 3
4- A shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens. ..... (lmd)
5- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gtsn)
6- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffe, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ..... (lml)
7- To annoy or make someone angry. ..... (ttrr) 4
8- Deserving attention, time and effort etc. ..... (hhlwwtr) 3
9- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... (lsnp)
10- To blow up or expand (especially a balloon, tyre or lungs with air. ..... (lntf) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de flowermusic, postée le 31-10-2013 à 01:29:17 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Before going to bed,

1- The science of living things. ..... (gbl) biology
2- A piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt. ..... (rnp) apron
3- A person's native land. ..... (mdhnl) 3 homeland
4- A shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens. ..... (lmd) mould
5- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gtsn) tongs
6- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffe, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ..... (lml) mill
7- To annoy or make someone angry. ..... (ttrr) 4 irritate
8- Deserving attention, time and effort etc. ..... (hlwwtr) 3 worthwhile with 2 "h"
9- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... (lsnp) spleen
10- To blow up or expand (especially a balloon, tyre or lungs with air. ..... (lntf) 3 inflate

Have a nice sweet week

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de esperanto, postée le 31-10-2013 à 05:32:49 (S | E)
Hello Marit, the night was short. Here are my answers :

1)biology 2)apron 3)homeland 4)mould 5)tongs 6)mill 7)to irritate 8)worthwhile 9)spleen 10)to inflate

Have a great week. See you soon.

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de esperanto, postée le 31-10-2013 à 06:29:05 (S | E)
Hello Marit, Here are my answers :

1)biology 2)apron 3)homeland 4)mould 5)tongs 6)mill 7) to irritate 8)worthwhile 9)spleen 10)to inflate

Enjoy a great week and see you soon.

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de mamou3, postée le 31-10-2013 à 06:30:43 (S | E)
Hello Marit, Greeting Flowermusic and Esperanto

Here is my try :


Thanks a lot Marit ! See you next week !

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de headway, postée le 31-10-2013 à 11:10:29 (S | E)
Hello Marit from stormy Donegal

1- The science of living things. ..... Biology.
2- A piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt. .....Apron.
3- A person's native land. ..... Homeland.
4- A shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens. ..... Mould.
5- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... Tongs.
6- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffe, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ..... Mill.
7- To annoy or make someone angry. ..... Irritate.
8- Deserving attention, time and effort etc. ..... Worthwhile.
9- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... Spleen.
10- To blow up or expand (especially a balloon, tyre or lungs with air. ..... Inflate.

You have a great weeknow,

Talk soon,


Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de dolfine56, postée le 31-10-2013 à 11:33:23 (S | E)
Hello, dear marit,
here we are....

1- The science of living things. ..... (gbl)--biology
2- A piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt. ..... (rnp)--apron
3- A person's native land. ..... (mdhnl) 3--homeland
4- A shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens. ..... (lmd)--mould
5- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gtsn)--tongs
6- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffe, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. ..... (lml)--mill
7- To annoy or make someone angry. ..... (ttrr) 4--to irritate
8- Deserving attention, time and effort etc. ..... (hhlwwtr) 3--worthwhile
9- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood. ..... (lsnp)--spleen
10- To blow up or expand (especially a balloon, tyre or lungs with air. ..... (lntf) 3--to inflate

Thanks a lot, dear Marit

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de bibi62, postée le 01-11-2013 à 18:57:50 (S | E)
thank you for your game
Here are my solutions.


Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de bibi62, postée le 01-11-2013 à 19:01:26 (S | E)

je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait mais j'ai des mots cachés ?????et d'autres pas!

Réponse: The missing vowels/48 de sanna6, postée le 04-11-2013 à 23:16:49 (S | E)


1- The science of living things... biology
2- A piece of cloth, plastic etc worn over the front of the clothes for protection against dirt... apron
3- A person's native land... homeland
4- A shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens...mould
5- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects...tongs
6- A machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffe, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces...mill
7- To annoy or make someone angry... to irritate
8- Deserving attention, time and effort etc... worthwhile
9- An organ of the body, close to the stomach, which causes changes in the blood... spleen
10- To blow up or expand (especially a balloon, tyre or lungs with air... to inflate

Thank you very much Marit


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