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CV en anglais /aide

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CV en anglais /aide
Message de charlie79 posté le 07-10-2013 à 00:04:33 (S | E | F)

je viens de rédiger mon CV en anglais. Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger ?
D'avance je vous remercie

Professional objective
Researcher in organic chemistry

2013 - 2014 École Nationale xxx : first year
2013 Project : the synthesis of chiral alcohols by enantioselective reduction first with sodium borohydride and then with grated carrots
2011 - 2013 Lycée xxx : class which intensivly prepares students for 2-years for the competitive entrance exams of Grandes Ecoles
2011 British A-levels

Work experience
September 2013 xxx Internship in a building and civil engineering company
August 2013 xxx Assembly line
July 2012 xxx Vegetable gardening in England
February 2011 xxx Supermarket Shelving
2011 xxx Deliverer, cashier, server

Languages : French - mother tongue
English Toeic – staid in England for three months
German B2
Chinese beginner
Computing : Microsoft office
Music : Piano
Sport : Basketball referee

- References available upon request

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-10-2013 08:26

Réponse: CV en anglais /aide de gerondif, postée le 07-10-2013 à 00:09:04 (S | E)
server ou shop assistant ?
staid signifie guindé, vous inventez un verbe irrégulier: stayed in England (ou bien spent three months in England to prepare for English Toeic)

Professional(job?) objective
Researcher in organic chemistry

2013 - 2014 École Nationale xxx : first year
2013 Project : the synthesis of chiral alcohols by enantioselective reduction first with sodium borohydride and then with grated carrots
2011 - 2013 Lycée xxx : class which intensivly prepares students for 2-years for the competitive entrance exams of Grandes Ecoles
2011 British A-levels

Work experience
September 2013 xxx Internship in a building and civil engineering company
August 2013 xxx Assembly line
July 2012 xxx Vegetable gardening in England
February 2011 xxx Supermarket Shelving
2011 xxx Deliverer, cashier, server

Languages : French - mother tongue
English Toeic – staid in England for three months
German B2
Chinese beginner
Computing : Microsoft office
Music : Piano
Sport : Basketball referee

- References available upon request

Réponse: CV en anglais /aide de charlie79, postée le 07-10-2013 à 00:19:16 (S | E)
Merci, en fait le bon mot me semble être waiter.


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