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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de mariamjamila posté le 26-05-2013 à 21:48:50 (S | E | F)

une 3e notion que j'aimerais bien que quelqu'un puisse corriger car je passe l'oral d'anglais après-demain.
Merci d'avance !;;

The press,since the half of XIXe century,has been an important tool which affect person's life styles and person's minds. The power of press has been presented differently depending on period with there means more and more efficient order to spread itself. Then,during this presentation we will see in what forms the press is presented today and what powers it exercise?
Traditionally the press presents itself as newspapers. In the past newspapers were not free but today we are witnessing to the use of the free press. In more than a dozen European countries more free than paid neuwspapers are distributed. The newspaper with the highest circulation is a free paper.
Desprite of the use of the free press and adapted magazines,new mears appear:
the TV and radio but more recently the internet,named the Fifth Power. Newspapers losing their revelance in the lives of majority of Europeans,particulary younger readers. Easily accessible,Internet connection and smartphones have dramatically shifted the way people get their news.
* Negativ points
- Politic power.
Exemple: when elections approach,politics men use indirectly this power to promote their image and encourage the citizens to vote for them.
- Free press.
Spread subinformations: The given informations are superficial and are mainly intended to attract the reader's attention as if it was spectacle.
*positiv points
- Allows people get informed of the world events.
- Permits to decrease distances(on the information field)

The fourth power is a good mean,which performs increasingly itself to get informed the people about what happens in the world. However he gives more and superficial informations particulary due to the increase of free press. That's infortunate because this event make people naifs and press get a lot of power's mind which can be dangerous if people's not conscious about the quality of what they read and recognize good informations and bad informations.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-05-2013 22:13


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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