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Resume /aide

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Resume /aide
Message de jerem1991 posté le 13-05-2013 à 07:16:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je m'appelle Jérémy et je souhaite postuler pour des emplois d'été en Grand Bretagne. J'ai réalisé un CV en anglais, cependant cette forme de CV ne m'est pas familière. Quelqu'un aurait-il la gentillesse de bien vouloir jeter un coup d'œil à mon "resume" afin d'identifier les fautes d'orthographe et dans la forme de la lettre ?
Merci d'avance

Birth date : September XXth 19XX
18 résidence des Auches

I want work in contact with customers for improve my relationship skills and work with an Irish team for improve my English and discover your culture, because this experience will help me in my future career.

Education :

Sep 2011-Jun 2013: « Institut Universitaire et Technologique de XXXXXX»
I realized a « DUT Techniques de Commercialisation », a commercial diploma which brought me many skills and experiences. Now I have the Baccalauréat plus two years’ higher education. During my learning, I learnt bargain, marketing and customer relationship management.

Sept 2009- Jun 2011: « Lycée Camille Claudel de XXXXXXXXX»
I have a Baccalauréat, I am graduate since 2011.

Related coursework:

Customer relationship management

Previous experiences:

Jul 2012 – Aug 2012: Bank Teller in xxx Bank, XXXXX, France (Seasonal work)
Customer reception:
All days, I welcomed many customers who had different needs. Furthermore I answered the phone.
Administrative duties :
I raised customers’ checks, messages for the advisors and checked the results of the agency.

May 2012 – Jun 2012: Bank teller in xxx Bank, XXXXXX, France (Work experience)
Bargaining by phone :
I sold different services to the bank’s customers, like credit cards and insurances.
Customer reception:
All days, I welcomed many customers who had different needs. Furthermore I answered the phone.
Satisfaction survey :
I realized a satisfaction survey with the agency’s customers.

Nov 2010 – Feb 2011: xxx Agency, xxx group (Electric items wholesaler), XXXXXX, France (Work experience)
Canvassing by phone :
I had to obtain appointment for the commercial staff.
I sold electric items in the agency or by phone to the customers.

Computer: Proficient in Word, Excel, Publisher, PowerPoint and Ethnos.
Language: Fluent in French (native speaker), good level in English and Russian beginner.
Toeic score : 680

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2013 07:35


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