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Correction / petit déjeuner

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / petit déjeuner
Message de klairou posté le 18-04-2013 à 23:26:10 (S | E | F)

J'ai écrit un texte en anglais sur le petit déjeuner et j'aimerais savoir, s'il vous plait, si j'ai fait des erreurs de grammaire et de syntaxe.
Merci beaucoup ;)

Sujet: "What did you eat for breakfast this morning? If you had a friend from another country eat breakfast at your house, would he discover something different to eat than he or she is used to? (215 words)

This morning, I drunk a mug of coffee and I am used to take two lumps of sugar in my coffee. I ate a slice of bread with a good amount of butter and jam on it. Then, I drunk a glass of grape juice. I love eating my breakfast. On Sundays, I am used to have a larger breakfast. I eat a butter croissant with a bowl of hot milk. I am used to drink tea rather than coffee on weekends. I had already have a friend from another country at my house. She was an Australian girl and she is used to eat cheese and vegemite on breakfast! Vegemite is a dark brown Australian food paste made from yeast extract. It is pretty good, but I can’t eat cheese and vegemite on breakfast because I find it too salt.
She had discovered a sweet breakfast at my house, and she found it a bit too sweet. She loves croissants and chocolate croissants. However, she is used to drink tea at breakfast, as I do. She stayed six months at my house but she was still addicted to vegemite and cheese at breakfast. Her parents sent to her vegemite form Australia. She alternated Australian breakfast and French breakfast. It was a really warm experience."

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2013 23:41

Réponse: Correction / petit déjeuner de notrepere, postée le 19-04-2013 à 04:10:28 (S | E)

This morning, I drunk a mug of coffee and I am used to take(1) two lumps of sugar in my coffee. I ate a slice of bread with a good amount of butter and jam on it. Then, I drunk a glass of grape juice. I love eating my breakfast. On Sundays, I am used to have a larger breakfast. I eat a butter croissant with a bowl of hot milk. I am used to drink tea rather than coffee on weekends. I had already have a friend from another country at my house. She was an Australian girl and she is used to eat cheese and vegemite on breakfast! Vegemite is a dark brown Australian food paste made from yeast extract. It is pretty good, but I can’t eat cheese and vegemite on breakfast because I find it too salt.
She had discovered a sweet breakfast at my house, and she found it a bit too sweet. She loves croissants and chocolate croissants. However, she is used to drink tea at breakfast, as I do. She stayed six months at my house but she was still addicted to vegemite and cheese at breakfast. Her parents sent to her vegemite form Australia. She alternated Australian breakfast and French breakfast. It was a really warm experience."

(1) I am used to ne va pas; I usually/normally + verb -or- I am accustomed to + verb/ing vaut mieux.

at breakfast, pas on breakfast

too salty

from Australia


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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