Imparfait vs conditionel
Cours gratuits > Forum > Apprendre le français || En basImparfait vs conditionel
Message de luckyme posté le 26-02-2013 à 03:24:44 (S | E | F)
Please,What is the difference between the usage of the imparfait and conditionelle. What is the difference in their conjugations ?
Thank you
Modifié par bridg le 26-02-2013 07:02
A few polite words please
Two French lessons in English for you :
Imperfect Indicative :Lien internet
Conditional : Lien internet
Message de luckyme posté le 26-02-2013 à 03:24:44 (S | E | F)
Please,What is the difference between the usage of the imparfait and conditionelle. What is the difference in their conjugations ?
Thank you
Modifié par bridg le 26-02-2013 07:02
A few polite words please
Two French lessons in English for you :
Imperfect Indicative :Lien internet
Conditional : Lien internet
Réponse: Imparfait vs conditionel de marclode, postée le 26-02-2013 à 04:04:40 (S | E)
The difference is in the aspect.
Imparfait describes an action that is going on at the same time as another one generally. (It can be compared with the english aspect "Be + V-ing" in the past form - the past/plu perfect.
Conditionnel is linked to a supposition, an a condition to occur. It can be traduced by would + verb in English.
The conjugation in imparfait : you must go and learn the rule because there ar 3 groups of verbs in French (those finishing by -ER, -IR, and the 3rd group).
The conjugation in conditionel is easer. Just use the infinitive form and add [-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient] at the end.
I hope it will help you.
Réponse: Imparfait vs conditionel de alienor64, postée le 26-02-2013 à 12:25:15 (S | E)
Bonjour Marclode
" The difference is in the aspect. (pas seulement ! La différence est aussi dans le sens ! )
Imparfait describes an action ( il faut préciser : un action passée , perçue comme continue , sans limite de durée ; il exprime aussi une habitude , une action qui s'est répétée dans le passé . Mais il a bien d'autres significations . )that is going on at the same time as another one generally . (It can be compared with the english aspect "Be + V-ing" in the past form - the past/plu perfect.
Conditionnel is linked to a supposition, an a condition to occur. It can be traduced by would + verb in English.
The conjugation in imparfait : you must go and learn the rule because there ar 3 groups of verbs in French (those finishing by -ER, -IR, and the 3rd group).
The conjugation in conditionel is easer. Just use the infinitive form and add [-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient] at the end."( Ce n'est pas plus facile ! N'oubliez pas les verbes auxiliaires " être " , " avoir " et certains verbes du 3ème groupe qui ont un infinitif en " oir "( exemple : " voir " / "recevoir " ...), " re " ( exemple : " faire " ) et " ir "( " tenir "/ " venir " / " courir " / et bien d'autres ! ) : leur conditionnel ne se forme pas à partir d'un infinitif auquel on ajoute une désinence )
Bonne journée !
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