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Message de polo45130 posté le 18-10-2012 à 12:08:38 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je souhaiterais vous soumettre un texte de rapport en anglais.
Mon niveau d'anglais est loin d'être excellent . Puis-je donc vous demander ce que vous en pensez?
Je suis à l'écoute de vos remarques et conseils!
Merci beaucoup par avance.
P.S.: J'ai volontairement masqué les informations personnelles que la lettre pouvait contenir, merci de votre compréhension.

I did my 4th year internship from July the 02nd to October the 26th in 2012 in xxx, a subsidiary of xxx Construction France.
During those 17 weeks in the company, my internship position allowed me to understand engineer's business works - building and to discover those of contract manager - building and cost estimation engineer.
My internship was composed of two steps:
- During the first one I worked as a works engineer – building. During this period, I worked on the yard of BA 705 in xxx. I have practically assisted its entire construction step.
- The second one was about my work whose aim was to discover what is done in a study service. During this one, various assignments were entrusted me like the writing of technical documents’ report. The encryption was about the construction of the 3 buildings located on the site of BA 705 in xxx. This report is about the study steps and also about the yard.
To conclude, it was a very nice experiment where I was able to apprehend the engineer’s works in a building’s global company.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-10-2012 12:23


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