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Scrambled words '164'

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Scrambled words '164'
Message de marit64 posté le 28-06-2012 à 02:53:29 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- To declare not to be true. ..... (ndye)
2- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp, which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... (wcki)
3- The white substance between the peel of an orange, lemon etc and the fruit itself. ..... (tihp)
4- A small river. ..... (ecekr)
5- Filled or covered with sand. ..... (nyads)
6- To get the use of something by paying money. ..... (rhei)
7- A synonym of "gutter". ..... (reipdinpa)
8- A room or building, especially in a factory etc where construction and repairs are carried out. ..... (hkwpsroo)
9- A field or area of ground covered with grass for cattle etc to eat. ..... (taespru)
10- The young of certain animals such as foxes, lions etc. ..... (ucb)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '164' de headway, postée le 28-06-2012 à 08:32:52 (S | E)
Hello ,

1- To declare not to be true. ..... To deny.
2- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp, which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... Wick.
3- The white substance between the peel of an orange, lemon etc and the fruit itself. ..... Pith.
4- A small river. ..... Creek.
5- Filled or covered with sand. ..... Sandy.
6- To get the use of something by paying money. ..... Heir.
7- A synonym of "gutter". ..... Drainpipe.
8- A room or building, especially in a factory etc where construction and repairs are carried out. ..... Workshop.
9- A field or area of ground covered with grass for cattle etc to eat. ..... Pasture.
10- The young of certain animals such as foxes, lions etc. ..... Cub.

Thank you Marit


Réponse: Scrambled words '164' de komiks, postée le 28-06-2012 à 08:35:42 (S | E)
Good morning marit,
Here are my propositions :

1- To declare not to be true. ..... (ndye)deny
2- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp, which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... (wcki) wick
3- The white substance between the peel of an orange, lemon etc and the fruit itself. ..... (tihp)pith
4- A small river. ..... (ecekr) creek
5- Filled or covered with sand. ..... (nyads) sandy
6- To get the use of something by paying money. ..... (rhei) hire
7- A synonym of 'gutter'. ..... (reipdinpa) drainpipe
8- A room or building, especially in a factory etc where construction and repairs are carried out. ..... (hkwpsroo) workshop
9- A field or area of ground covered with grass for cattle etc to eat. ..... (taespru) pasture
10- The young of certain animals such as foxes, lions etc. ..... (ucb) cub

Thank you for this exercise. Thanks to it, I improve my vocabulary. Thank you again
Have a nice day.

Réponse: Scrambled words '164' de flowermusic, postée le 28-06-2012 à 09:14:45 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Nice to see you .....

1- To declare not to be true. ..... (ndye) deny
2- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp, which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... (wcki) wick
3- The white substance between the peel of an orange, lemon etc and the fruit itself. ..... (tihp) pith
4- A small river. ..... (ecekr) creek
5- Filled or covered with sand. ..... (nyads) sandy
6- To get the use of something by paying money. ..... (rhei) hire
7- A synonym of "gutter". ..... (reipdinpa) drainpipe
8- A room or building, especially in a factory etc where construction and repairs are carried out. ..... (hkwpsroo) workshop
9- A field or area of ground covered with grass for cattle etc to eat. ..... (taespru) pasture
10- The young of certain animals such as foxes, lions etc. ..... (ucb) cub

Have a great week

Réponse: Scrambled words '164' de dolfine56, postée le 28-06-2012 à 09:26:07 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
Here we are....

1- To declare not to be true. ..... (ndye)to deny
2- The twisted threads of cotton etc in a candle, lamp, which draw up the oil or wax into the flame. ..... (wcki)wick
3- The white substance between the peel of an orange, lemon etc and the fruit itself. ..... (tihp)pith
4- A small river. ..... (ecekr)creek
5- Filled or covered with sand. ..... (nyads)sandy
6- To get the use of something by paying money. ..... (rhei)to hire
7- A synonym of "gutter". ..... (reipdinpa)drainpipe
8- A room or building, especially in a factory etc where construction and repairs are carried out. ..... (hkwpsroo)workshop
9- A field or area of ground covered with grass for cattle etc to eat. ..... (taespru)pasture
10- The young of certain animals such as foxes, lions etc. . (ucb)cub

Enjoy that week see you soon.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux, chansons


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