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Scrambled words '160'

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Scrambled words '160'
Message de marit64 posté le 31-05-2012 à 17:59:25 (S | E | F)

I'm really sorry because I couldn't give you this new exercise yesterday.

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- Food containing a lot of pepper. ..... (rpppyee)
2- A raised step just outside the door of a house. ..... (tosdpeor)
3-A piece of long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. ..... (rtgsni)
4- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... (fmtiis)
5- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (slates)
6- An opening or gap in or through something. ..... (lheo)
7- To run after, to pursue. ..... (hecsa)
8- A synonym of "tin". ..... (tprwee)
9- To take away the confidence, hope etc. ..... (serduiaogc)
10- The black powder left after the burning of coal. ..... (osot)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '160' de dolfine56, postée le 31-05-2012 à 21:22:06 (S | E)
hello dear Marit,
No problem...nice to see you back

1- Food containing a lot of pepper. ..... (rpppyee)peppery
2- A raised step just outside the door of a house. ..... (tosdpeor)doorstep
3-A piece of long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. ..... (rtgsni) string
4- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... (fmtiis)misfit
5- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (slates)tassel
6- An opening or gap in or through something. ..... (lheo)hole
7- To run after, to pursue. ..... (hecsa)to chase
8- A synonym of "tin". ..... (tprwee)pewter.
9- To take away the confidence, hope etc. ..(serduiaogc)discourage
10- The black powder left after the burning of coal. ..... (osot)soot

I found it more difficult than usuel...-especially number 5.
Have a nice week---see you soon.

Réponse: Scrambled words '160' de flowermusic, postée le 31-05-2012 à 22:50:39 (S | E)
Hello Marit

once more. It is always a great pleasure to meet you.

1- Food containing a lot of pepper. ..... (rpppyee) peppery
2- A raised step just outside the door of a house. ..... (tosdpeor) doorstep
3-A piece of long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. ..... (rtgsni) string
4- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... (fmtiis) misfit
5- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... (slates) tassel
6- An opening or gap in or through something. ..... (lheo) hole
7- To run after, to pursue. ..... (hecsa) chase
8- A synonym of "tin". ..... (tprwee) pewter
9- To take away the confidence, hope etc. ..... (serduiaogc) discourage
10- The black powder left after the burning of coal. ..... (osot) soot

Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '160' de headway, postée le 01-06-2012 à 10:04:26 (S | E)

1- Food containing a lot of pepper. ..... Peppery.
2- A raised step just outside the door of a house. ..... Doorstep.
3-A piece of long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. ..... String.
4- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ..... Misfit.
5- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ..... Tassel.
6- An opening or gap in or through something. ..... Hole.
7- To run after, to pursue. ..... Chase.
8- A synonym of "tin". ..... ???
9- To take away the confidence, hope etc. ..... Discourage.
10- The black powder left after the burning of coal. ..... Soot.


Réponse: Scrambled words '160' de sanna6, postée le 01-06-2012 à 19:47:48 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit

1- Food containing a lot of pepper. ...peppery
2- A raised step just outside the door of a house. .....doorstep
3-A piece of long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. ...string
4- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ...misfit
5- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc. ...tassel
6- An opening or gap in or through something. ...hole
7- To run after, to pursue.
8- A synonym of "tin". ..... (tprwee)...pewter
9- To take away the confidence, hope etc. ...discourage
10- The black powder left after the burning of coal. ...soot

Thanks a lot

Modifié par sanna6 le 07-06-2012 08:07

Réponse: Scrambled words '160' de narimenmadrid, postée le 05-06-2012 à 20:22:58 (S | E)
bah fallait poser cettte exercice mais merci commme mème thank you

Réponse: Scrambled words '160' de swan85, postée le 07-06-2012 à 13:33:34 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- Food containing a lot of pepper. (rpppyee) Peppery
2- A raised step just outside the door of a house. tosdpeor) Doorstep
3-A piece of long narrow cord made of threads twisted together, or tape, for tying, fastening etc. (rtgsni) String
4- A person who is not able to live or work happily with others.(fmtiis) Misfit
5- A decoration, consisting of a hanging bunch of threads tied firmly at one end and loose at the other end, put on a cushion, a hat, a shawl etc.Tassel
6- An opening or gap in or through something.(lheo) Hole
7- To run after, to pursue.(hecsa) Chase
8- A synonym of "tin". (tprwee) Pewter
9- To take away the confidence, hope etc.(serduiaogc) Discourage
10- The black powder left after the burning of coal.(osot) Soot

Thank you very much
See you soon


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