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cendre2lune /English correspondent

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cendre2lune /English correspondent
Message de cendre2lune posté le 06-05-2012 à 18:42:29 (S | E | F)
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I'm a 17 years old French upper sixth, and I'm learning English as a second language.
As you'd guess it, I'm writing right here, right now in the hope to find someone who talks English fluently and who would be willing to correspond with me. I think that in this way it will not only helps me to improve my English, but it also could allow me share something with someone and maybe enables to build relationships, (because I must confess that I'm a little shy in the real life).
So, if you agree I would be very glad to meet you(in writing of course!). Thank you very much for reading.
Ta-ta for now and you know I'm looking forward to hear from you, if you are interested.
Modifié par bridg le 06-05-2012 19:25


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