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Lettre motivation/correction

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Lettre motivation/correction
Message de houari88 posté le 27-04-2012 à 18:10:25 (S | E | F)

Je m'apprête à envoyer cette lettre de motivation, j'aimerais être sûr qu'il n'y ait pas de fautes dans ma lettre de motivation.
Si vous pouviez me donner un petit coup de main,
Merci d'avance


To begin with, it is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to apply for the Master’s Degree in your prestigious establishment. I have heard a lot about your university and I believe that a university with a high education like yours is the best place to achieve my career objectives.

My formation and my first stages made me want to go further in the acquisition of knowledge in the field of engineering. And I think your formation is the most likely to give me everything they need to pursue this in the best conditions.

Integrate Mastre represents an important opportunity for me to develop my knowledge of public works and facilities. I need to improve my knowledge on this topic. even if my English is not as professional as I wish. For this reason, the teacher can offer you for giving me these skills. I am particularly attracted by the Mastre in civil engineering and its relationship to public works and facilities. These two points is some recognition that allow to aspire to jobs of high responsibility.

Furthermore, during all my experiences, I had the opportunity to work between the "public and hydraulics works company" and with a surveyor.

I consider myself good in social relation, team working, teamwork and ability to adapt to environments.

am sincerely convinced of having the qualities required for this master: my motivation leans on qualities which served my professional experiences, as meticulousness, rigour, organisation and perseverance.

Hoping that my candidature retain all your attention.


Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2012 19:40


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