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Cover letter/Canada

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Cover letter/Canada
Message de juliencvn posté le 06-03-2012 à 15:23:23 (S | E | F)

I am writing to you about my cover letter.
Next year, I will be in Canada for an international exchange and I have to write a cover letter. I am looking for someone who would accept to correct it to me.
Does someone want to help me?
Thanking you in advance.

Dear sir or madam,
I am writing to you in reference to the international student exchange between your university and the Université de *******.
Before getting into ******, I did a two-year technological degree in mechanical engineering in Nîmes. This fisrt formation gave me the motivation to continue to a french master's in mechanical engineering and especially in mechanical design.
My previous internship periods in design team allowed me to improve my knowledge in structures calculus, industrial design and teamwork in accordance with my courses. By my studies, I have also learnt manufacturing processes, machining, finite elements calculus and participated to differents school project. My favourite teamwork was these I managed and carry out a project with 5 others students in order to vegetalized a factory roof and improve its brand's image. We organized the project, wrote every organisation chart, canvass partners and follow the transformation of the roof.
Those experiences and the ******'s way of thinking made me aware of the importance to do an international exchange and see differents method of work. That is why I would like to study into your english speaking university and discover the canadian way of working.
Furthermore your faculty of engineering which dispenses automotives and mechanical courses is in adequation with my field of study and my professional project. The diversity of courses and the community life into ******* are important for me who like sharing and communicate.
In addition to that I would be glad to strenghten links between ******* University and the Université de ********.
I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Sincerely yours.


Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2012 16:12


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