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Herastean /American pen-friend

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Herastean /American pen-friend
Message de herastean posté le 07-11-2011 à 02:49:14 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody! I'm Alexandre, twenty years old and french citizen. I've been learning English since a few years now and I'd like in a close future to move to the United States of America and become a citizen. I'm particularly interested in moving to the Maine, Minnesota, or one of the others North/North-East states.

I'm a big fan of law enforcement and would like to work as one, no Matter if in a Police Department, Sheriff's office/department or State Police. I'm working my best and already gathering informations on how to become one for now even though I plan to move in 2 years or such.

I'm looking for a pen-friend living in the USA and that would be interested in telling me about his life there and help me with my English. I'm also willing to help with French language as I don't have any trouble speaking and writing it.

Drop me a message if you're interested : I'm able to use Skype or MSN to discuss, or even mumble/TS3/Ventrilo. A regular mail could also do it but I'd really appreciate to be able to work my oral english and comprehension.

Modifié par herastean le 10-11-2011 00:22


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