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Scrambled words '112'

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Scrambled words '112'
Message de marit64 posté le 18-05-2011 à 22:27:38 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A synonym of "rubbish". ..... (sthar)
2- Any food (cake, ice-cream etc) which is particularly enjoyable to eat. ..... (dsigeoo)
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... (pleukdaorse)
4- The food used to attract fish, animals etc which one wishes to catch, kill etc. ..... (atbi)
5- A brush used for putting on paint. ..... (bphitsarnu)
6- To make or become healthy. ..... (ahle)
7- A synonym of "chatter". ..... (tratne)
8- An animal like a horse, in mythology, but with one straight horn on the forehead. ..... (rnnuoic)
9- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (nyve)
10- A synonym of "humanity". ..... (kmdiann)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de flowermusic, postée le 18-05-2011 à 23:11:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

There is always pleasure with your scrambled-words.

1- A synonym of "rubbish". ..... (sthar) trash
2- Any food (cake, ice-cream etc) which is particularly enjoyable to eat. ..... (dsigeoo) goodies
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... (pleukdaorse) loudspeaker
4- The food used to attract fish, animals etc which one wishes to catch, kill etc. ..... (atbi) bait
5- A brush used for putting on paint. ..... (bphitsarnu) paintbrush
6- To make or become healthy. ..... (ahle) heal
7- A synonym of "chatter". ..... (tratne) natter
8- An animal like a horse, in mythology, but with one straight horn on the forehead. ..... (rnnuoic) unicorn
9- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (nyve) envy
10- A synonym of "humanity". ..... (kmdiann) mankind

I remember Simon and Garfunkel.

Have a good week

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de headway, postée le 19-05-2011 à 08:39:07 (S | E)
Good morning,

1- A synonym of "rubbish". ..... Trash.
2- Any food (cake, ice-cream etc) which is particularly enjoyable to eat. ..... Goodies.
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... Loudspeaker.
4- The food used to attract fish, animals etc which one wishes to catch, kill etc. ..... Bait.
5- A brush used for putting on paint. ..... Paintbrush.
6- To make or become healthy. ..... Heal.
7- A synonym of "chatter". ..... Natter.
8- An animal like a horse, in mythology, but with one straight horn on the forehead. ..... Unicorn.
9- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... Envy.
10- A synonym of "humanity". ..... Mankind.

Marit for this new one.

Talk soon


Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de dolfine56, postée le 19-05-2011 à 09:08:52 (S | E)
Hello, dear Marit,

1- A synonym of "rubbish". ..... (sthar)trash
2- Any food (cake, ice-cream etc) which is particularly enjoyable to eat. ..... (dsigeoo)goodies
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. ..... (pleukdaorse)loudspeaker
4- The food used to attract fish, animals etc which one wishes to catch, kill etc. ..... (atbi)bait
5- A brush used for putting on paint. ..... (bphitsarnu)paintbrush
6- To make or become healthy. ..... (ahle)to heal
7- A synonym of "chatter". ..... (tratne)natter
8- An animal like a horse, in mythology, but with one straight horn on the forehead. ..... (rnnuoic)unicorn
9- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. ..... (nyve)envy
10- A synonym of "humanity". ..... (kmdiann)mankind

Thanks a lot, dear marit, enjoy your week...

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de eos17, postée le 19-05-2011 à 11:12:34 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Here my words
6-To heal
8- Unicorn
10- Mankind
Marit for this new "scrambled words ". Have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de aurore, postée le 19-05-2011 à 11:34:28 (S | E)

Hi my dear Marit

1- trash
2- goodies
3- loudspeaker
4- bait
5- paintbrush
6- to heal
7- natter
8- unicorn
9- envy
10- mankind

Thanks Marit. See you soon.

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de elisa21, postée le 19-05-2011 à 12:02:51 (S | E)

Hello dear Marit

1- A synonym of "rubbish". trash
2- Any food (cake, ice-cream etc) which is particularly enjoyable to eat. goodies
3- An instrument for increasing the loudness of sounds so that they can be heard further away. loudspeaker
4- The food used to attract fish, animals etc which one wishes to catch, kill etc. bait
5- A brush used for putting on paint. paintbrush
6- To make or become healthy. to heal
7- A synonym of "chatter". natter
8- An animal like a horse, in mythology, but with one straight horn on the forehead. unicorn
9- A feeling of discontent at another's good fortune or success. envy
10- A synonym of "humanity". mankind

Marit. Have a great week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de nina80, postée le 19-05-2011 à 17:54:05 (S | E)

Hello dear Marit,

1 - trash
2 - goodies
3 - loudspeaker
4 - bait
5 - paintbrush
6 - to heal
7 - natter
8 - unicorn
9 - envy
10- mankind

Marit, have a nice day

Réponse: Scrambled words '112' de swan85, postée le 19-05-2011 à 20:57:52 (S | E)

Hello Marit

1/ Trash
2/ Goodies
3/ Loudspeaker
4/ Bait
5/ Paintbrush
6/ To heal
7/ Natter
8/ Unicorn
9/ Envy
10/ Mankind

See you soon Marit


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