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Lettre de motivation

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Lettre de motivation
Message de noem05 posté le 16-05-2011 à 12:12:36 (S | E | F)

Postulant pour une école, je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais.
Je recherche donc une main bienveillante et charitable pour m'aider dans cette démarche. J'ai essayé de mettre des termes plus britanniques, mais pas évident lorsque l'on a passé plusieurs mois aux E-U.
Je vous remercie vivement par avance de l'aide qui sera apportée !

Voici donc ma lettre :

Dear Sirs,

Subject: application for the Professional License Trades speciality Administrator Import-Export

To pursue my studies, I would like to integrate the Professional License Trades speciality Administrator Import-Export, after next holidays .
From November, 20.. till April, 20.., I worked as an au pair in the State of xxx then in the State of xxx, in the United States . In June, 20.., I obtained a BTS Commerce International, the equivalent of 2-year technical degree in International Trade. In June, 20.., I got my High School Diploma speciality Marketing .
Thanks to my training in business and to my work experience, in particular in the company xxx in November, 2009, I discovered the trade of international buyer . Indeed, I observed that to be a buyer requires to know well suppliers and also customers to be able to answer at best their needs . During this work placement, I had the chance to attend and to intervene in a negotiation of a contract with a Chinese supplier . This experience was very interesting and since, I would like to continue my studies in this domain
Moreover, thanks to my journey in the United States, I have a current level in English .

In the aim to work in the world of the import-export, to be perfectly bilingual and to get new commercial skills and in communication, the Professional License Trades Specialty Administrator Import-Export corresponds to my expectations .

I enjoy meeting people, I am serious at work, dynamic, smiling and punctual . Besides, I like travelling and discovering new cultures .

I enclose my résumé, I am at your disposal for further information .
Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to hearing from you .

Yours sincerely,

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2011 12:31


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