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Scrambled words '111'

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Scrambled words '111'
Message de marit64 posté le 12-05-2011 à 00:49:40 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A person unable to make a decision about something. ..... (ceendddui)
2- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (rxatetc)
3- A state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle. ..... (sesm)
4- A container usually made of wooden slats, for carrying goods, fruit etc. ..... (trace)
5- A large black bird of the crow family. ..... (vnaer)
6- Not connected with the subject that is being discussed. ..... (eaieltrvrn)
7- To quiver or tremble (with cold, fear etc.) ..... (vsrhei)
8- A synonym of "chances". ..... (dosd)
9- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... (loedod)
10- To make up something that is not true, (a story, accusation etc.) ..... (btfreaaic)

Good luck and have fun!

I wish you a nice week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '111' de flowermusic, postée le 12-05-2011 à 08:43:16 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

The first thing I do is to search the new ones, with a coffee.

1- A person unable to make a decision about something. ..... (ceendddui) undecided
2- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (rxatetc) extract
3- A state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle. ..... (sesm) mess
4- A container usually made of wooden slats, for carrying goods, fruit etc. ..... (trace) crate
5- A large black bird of the crow family. ..... (vnaer) raven
6- Not connected with the subject that is being discussed. ..... (eaieltrvrn) irrelevant
7- To quiver or tremble (with cold, fear etc.) ..... (vsrhei) shiver
8- A synonym of "chances". ..... (dosd) odds
9- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... (loedod) doodle
10- To make up something that is not true, (a story, accusation etc.) ..... (btfreaaic) fabricate

Many thanks to you and have a good week and nice time

Réponse: Scrambled words '111' de headway, postée le 12-05-2011 à 08:47:15 (S | E)
Hello there,

1- A person unable to make a decision about something. ..... Undecided.
2- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... Extract.
3- A state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle. ..... Mess.
4- A container usually made of wooden slats, for carrying goods, fruit etc. ..... Crate.
5- A large black bird of the crow family. ..... Raven.
6- Not connected with the subject that is being discussed. ..... Irrelevant
7- To quiver or tremble (with cold, fear etc.) ..... Shiver.
8- A synonym of "chances". ..... Odds.
9- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... Doodle.
10- To make up something that is not true, (a story, accusation etc.) .....

Thank you for this new one.

Have a good day


Réponse: Scrambled words '111' de dolfine56, postée le 12-05-2011 à 09:37:06 (S | E)
Hello dear marit,

1- A person unable to make a decision about something. ..... (ceendddui)undecided
2- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (rxatetc)to extract
3- A state of disorder or confusion; an untidy, dirty or unpleasant sight or muddle. ..... (sesm)(what a )mess!
4- A container usually made of wooden slats, for carrying goods, fruit etc. ..... (trace)crate
5- A large black bird of the crow family. ..... (vnaer)raven
6- Not connected with the subject that is being discussed. ..... (eaieltrvrn)irrelevant
7- To quiver or tremble (with cold, fear etc.) ..... (vsrhei)to shiver
8- A synonym of "chances". ..... (dosd)odds
9- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... (loedod)to doodle
10- To make up something that is not true, (a story, accusation etc.) ..... (btfreaaic)to fabricate

Thank you, dear Marit, and enjoy your week. see you on next Wednesday.

Réponse: Scrambled words '111' de aurore, postée le 17-05-2011 à 16:52:45 (S | E)

Hello Marit

J'y prends goût

1- undecided
2- to extract
3- mess
4- crate
5- raven
6- irrelevant
7- to shiver
8- odds
9- to doodle
10- to fabricate

Thanks Marit and have a sunny week.

Réponse: Scrambled words '111' de eos17, postée le 18-05-2011 à 11:01:10 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
It's summertime !
2-To extract
3- Mess
7-To shiver
9-To doodle
10-To fabricate
I wish you a nice day .


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