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Scrambled words '106'

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Scrambled words '106'
Message de marit64 posté le 06-04-2011 à 20:29:40 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bderrmeio)
2- A bag for letters. ..... (lgimbaa)
3- A talkative person. ..... (hxtocbaret)
4- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (nrmdieie)
5- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (faiyimrrn)
6- The text of a play, talk etc. ..... (psrtic)
7- A person who offends, especially against the law. ..... (dfronefe)
8- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (wrnod)
9- Loyal and true; not changing. ..... (hltffiua)
10- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gostn)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '106' de flowermusic, postée le 06-04-2011 à 21:07:44 (S | E)
That's nice !! New scrambled words !!

1- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bderrmeio) embroider
2- A bag for letters. ..... (lgimbaa) mailbag
3- A talkative person. ..... (hxtocbaret) chatterbox
4- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (nrmdieie) reminder ?
5- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (faiyimrrn) infirmary
6- The text of a play, talk etc. ..... (psrtic) script
7- A person who offends, especially against the law. ..... (dfronefe) offender
8- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (wrnod) drown
9- Loyal and true; not changing. ..... (hltffiua) faithful
10- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gostn) tongs

Have a good time, dear Marit

Réponse: Scrambled words '106' de headway, postée le 07-04-2011 à 08:11:49 (S | E)

1- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bderrmeio)To embroider.
2- A bag for letters. ..... (lgimbaa)Mail bag.
3- A talkative person. ..... (hxtocbaret)Chatterbox.
4- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (nrmdieie)Reminder.
5- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (faiyimrrn)Infirmary.
6- The text of a play, talk etc. ..... (psrtic)Script.
7- A person who offends, especially against the law. ..... (dfronefe)Offender.
8- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (wrnod)To Drown.
9- Loyal and true; not changing. ..... (hltffiua)Faithful.
10- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gostn)Tongs.


Réponse: Scrambled words '106' de dolfine56, postée le 07-04-2011 à 09:30:52 (S | E)
Hi, dear Marit,
Thank for this new one.

1- To decorate with designs in needlework. ..... (bderrmeio)to embroider
2- A bag for letters. ..... (lgimbaa)a mailbag
3- A talkative person. ..... (hxtocbaret)a chatterbox
4- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. ..... (nrmdieie)a reminber
5- A name given to some hospitals. ..... (faiyimrrn)an infirmary.
6- The text of a play, talk etc. ..... (psrtic)the script
7- A person who offends, especially against the law. ..... (dfronefe)an offender
8- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. ..... (wrnod)to drown
9- Loyal and true; not changing. ..... (hltffiua)faithful
10- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. ..... (gostn)tongs

dear marit,
Enjoy your week, see you soon.

Réponse: Scrambled words '106' de eos17, postée le 07-04-2011 à 11:11:34 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
for your faithfulness
8-To drown
Have a nice week !

Réponse: Scrambled words '106' de nina80, postée le 07-04-2011 à 17:54:30 (S | E)
Bonjour Marit,

1 - to embroider
2 - mailbag
3 - chatterbox
4 - reminder
5 - infirmary
6 - script
7 - offender
8 - to drown
9 - faithful
10- tongs
see you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '106' de elisa21, postée le 08-04-2011 à 21:38:27 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

1- To decorate with designs in needlework. embroider
2- A bag for letters. mailbox
3- A talkative person. chatterbox
4- Something said, done, written, noticed etc that reminds one to do something. reminder
5- A name given to some hospitals. infirmary
6- The text of a play, talk etc. script
7- A person who offends, especially against the law. offender
8- To sink in water and so suffocate and die. drown
9- Loyal and true; not changing. faithful
10- An instrument used for holding and lifting objects. tongs

dear Marit. Have a nice week-end.


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