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Correction/intensive course

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Correction/intensive course
Message de lomaxx posté le 24-03-2011 à 17:53:24 (S | E | F)
Could you please help me and correct the text below?
Thank you for your answers.

I am 42 years old, married with 4 children. During my research for work, I already found that English was required, so I want to integrate this intensive course, I will have more luck finding a job. Two years ago, I was sales manager in a large French company, a manufacturer of handsfree, drone, Speakers for iPhone and many otherthings.
if I passed the tests successfully, I could very quickly find a new job.
Otherwise I love music, cars, new technologies and high-tech products, i'm living in ..........., just 15 kilometers of ......

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-03-2011 18:35

Réponse: Correction/intensive course de gerondif, postée le 24-03-2011 à 19:49:46 (S | E)
vert: forme corrigée. rouge: à corriger,

I am 42 years old, married, with 4 children. During my research for work, I (have)already found (out) that English was required, so I want to integrate this intensive course, I will have more luck(ne se dit guère, I will have more opportunities, more chances to find) finding a job (then). Two years ago, I was a sales manager in a large French company, a manufacturer of hand-free, drone(??), speakers for iPhone and many other things.
if I passed the tests (to pass signifie déjà réussir)successfully, I could very quickly find a new job.
Otherwise (Moreover, de plus, on top of that,en plus de cela,) I love music, cars, new technologies and high-tech products, i'm living ( I live in est plus courant)in ..........., just 15 kilometers of from ......

Réponse: Correction/intensive course de may, postée le 25-03-2011 à 01:17:19 (S | E)


..a big french company.
...and many other (produits).
..if I passed the tests..

Good night!


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