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Scrambled words '100'

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Scrambled words '100'
Message de marit64 posté le 09-02-2011 à 22:25:18 (S | E | F)

Unscramble the letters to find the right word.

1- The skin of a lamb with the wool left on it. ..... (bnslkmia)
2- A synonym of "friend". ..... (dbydu)
3- A kind of insect with a long body and double wings. ..... (gyrfadoln)
4- A small round swelling on the skin. ..... (meppli)
5- To travel by means of free rides in other people's cars. ..... (ktehhhii-c)
6- At the present period of time. ..... (wsdnaaoy)
7- A shaking of the earth's surface. ..... (hekrqaateu)
8- Having no conscience or scruples; wicked. ..... (ssprunuluocu)
9- A noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people. ..... (omb)
10- A piece of material hung up to act as a screen at a window, on a theatre stage etc. ..... (arnutci)

P.S. One hundred exercises have been made until now, do you want to keep on doing them? If you're not tired, I'll continue.
Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '100' de laila, postée le 10-02-2011 à 08:05:01 (S | E)
Good morning
1- The skin of a lamb with the wool left on it. Lambskin (bnslkmia)
2- A synonym of "friend".buddy (dbydu)
3- A kind of insect with a long body and double wings. Dragonfly (gyrfadoln)
4- A small round swelling on the skin. pimple (meppli)
5- To travel by means of free rides in other people's cars. to hitchhike (ktehhhii-c)
6- At the present period of time. nowadays (wsdnaaoy)
7- A shaking of the earth's surface. earthquake (hekrqaateu)
8- Having no conscience or scruples; wicked. unscrupulous (ssprunuluocu)
9- A noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people. mob (omb)
10- A piece of material hung up to act as a screen at a window, on a theatre stage etc. Curtain (arnutci)
Have a nice week !thank you

Réponse: Scrambled words '100' de headway, postée le 10-02-2011 à 08:34:40 (S | E)
Good morning,

1- The skin of a lamb with the wool left on it. ..... Lambskin.
2- A synonym of "friend". ..... Buddy.
3- A kind of insect with a long body and double wings. ..... Dragonfly.
4- A small round swelling on the skin. ..... Pimple.
5- To travel by means of free rides in other people's cars. ..... Hitch-Hike.
6- At the present period of time. ..... Nowadays.
7- A shaking of the earth's surface. ..... Earthquake.
8- Having no conscience or scruples; wicked. ..... Unscrupulous.
9- A noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people. ..... Mob.
10- A piece of material hung up to act as a screen at a window, on a theatre stage etc. ..... Curtain.


Réponse: Scrambled words '100' de dolfine56, postée le 10-02-2011 à 09:43:53 (S | E)
Hi, dear Marit,
Here we are....thanks to you.

1- The skin of a lamb with the wool left on it. ..... (bnslkmia)the lambskin
2- A synonym of "friend". ..... (dbydu)buddy
3- A kind of insect with a long body and double wings. ..... (gyrfadoln)a dragonfly
4- A small round swelling on the skin. ..... (meppli)a pimple
5- To travel by means of free rides in other people's cars. ..... (ktehhhii-c)to hitch-hike
6- At the present period of time. ..... (wsdnaaoy)nowadays
7- A shaking of the earth's surface. ..... (hekrqaateu)an earthquake
8- Having no conscience or scruples; wicked. ..... (ssprunuluocu)to be unscrupulous
9- A noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people. ..... (omb)a mob
10- A piece of material hung up to act as a screen at a window, on a theatre stage etc. ..... (arnutci)a curtain.

Hi, dear Marit,
As far as I'm concerned,I'm not tired,and I wish you keep on doing your "scrumbled words",if you are still as enthusiastic as us.
enjoy your white winter in Shawinigan see you on next Friday...

so, it's a 100" Scrambled words" birthday!!!!

Réponse: Scrambled words '100' de elisa21, postée le 10-02-2011 à 10:58:17 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

1- The skin of a lamb with the wool left on it. a lambskin
2- A synonym of "friend". a buddy
3- A kind of insect with a long body and double wings. a dragonfly
4- A small round swelling on the skin. a pimple
5- To travel by means of free rides in other people's cars. to hitch-hike
6- At the present period of time. nowadays
7- A shaking of the earth's surface. an earthquake
8- Having no conscience or scruples; wicked. unscrupulous
9- A noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people. a mob
10- A piece of material hung up to act as a screen at a window, on a theatre stage etc. a curtain

dear Marit. Seee you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '100' de nina80, postée le 10-02-2011 à 17:17:06 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Marit,

1 - lambskin
2 - buddy
3 - dragonfly
4 - pimple
5 - to hitch-hike
6 - nowadays
7 - earthquake
8 - unscrupulous
9 - mob
10- curtain
see you next week

Réponse: Scrambled words '100' de swan85, postée le 11-02-2011 à 21:02:31 (S | E)

Good evening Marit

1/ Lambskin
2/ Buddy
3/ Dragonfly
4/ Pimple
5/ Hitch-hike
6/ Nowadays
7/ Earthquake
8/ Unscrupulous
9/ Mob
10/ Curtain

Thank you very much and see you soon


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