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Lea-r/English-speaking penpal

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Lea-r/English-speaking penpal
Message de lea-r posté le 07-02-2011 à 10:58:14 (S | E | F)
Hi, I'm lea and I'm looking for an english-speaking penpal to improve our english.
I study english to travel and meet people, I'd like to speak about other country, history and tourism, news and literature if you please, something else is possible too.

So, whatever your native language is, if you only want to exchange in english, contact-me.
(If you are looking for a girlfriend, please don't, it's irritating)

PS I'm really fond of European comics, and I'm 27, if further details are needed ;)
Modifié par bridg le 07-02-2011 11:08

Réponse: Lea-r/English-speaking penpal de joss2011, postée le 07-02-2011 à 13:03:01 (S | E)

I saw your add and decided to give you a reply. I hope you are doing well? and how was your day.

A brief description about me , my name is Wasiu from Ivory Coast but presently in Ghana , i would like to talk about culture and anything good to improve about our well being. I speak english and i would like exchange with you in that aspect.



Réponse: Lea-r/English-speaking penpal de fiori, postée le 08-02-2011 à 13:14:22 (S | E)
My name is Zia and i am from England
i would like to help you regarding learning english if you wish
and hopefully you can help me improve my french.
a bientôt
Modifié par bridg le 09-02-2011 11:41

Réponse: Lea-r/English-speaking penpal de lea-r, postée le 09-02-2011 à 11:44:30 (S | E)
Thank you for your answer, I send you a private message to get to know each other.
If anybody else is interested, my mail box is not full, so it's always possible ^^

Modifié par lea-r le 09-02-2011 11:45

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-02-2011 11:48
Jugement de valeur effacé

Réponse: Lea-r/English-speaking penpal de jack-bauer973, postée le 09-02-2011 à 12:37:46 (S | E)
i want meet peaple for learn english


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