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Aide lettre de motivation

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Aide lettre de motivation
Message de rider06 posté le 31-01-2011 à 16:56:55 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous

Je dois envoyer une lettre de motivation pour une societe anglaise et vu que c'est ma première lettre en anglais, j'aurais aimé avoir votre avis pour savoir si mon anglais est correct ou pas svp s'il vous plaît

Merci à tous.

Dear Mrs XXX,

I’m delighted to apply for a job of Helpdesk technician.

The dynamism of your company and the many opportunities offered by your business in IT interest me.

My experience helped me to use different versions of Windows and Microsoft Office. I also did several internships in computer graphics, Web design and Java programming. My current job and my years of experience in a luxury hotel allowed me to gain highly skills with very meticulous clients.

Dynamic and conscientious, I have an excellent communication knowledge and a strongly human contact. This job meets my two passions, I'm sure my skills will be useful to follow up your customers.

I’m available immediately, and would be delighted to discuss my CV with you, should you think this would be helpful. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2011 17:21

Réponse: Aide lettre de motivation de notrepere, postée le 11-02-2011 à 20:29:44 (S | E)

Dear Mrs XXX,

I’m delighted to be able to apply for a job of your Helpdesk Technician position.

The dynamism of your company and the many opportunities offered by your business in IT interest me.

My experience has allowed helped me to use different versions of Windows and Microsoft Office. I also did several internships in computer graphics, Web design and Java programming. My current job and my years of experience in a luxury hotel allowed me to gain highly developed skills with very meticulous clients.

I am a dynamic and conscientious person, and I have an excellent communication knowledge skills and a strongly human contact am very personable. This job meets my two passions, and I'm sure my skills will be useful to follow up your customers.

I’m available immediately, and would be delighted to discuss my CV with you, should you think this would be helpful. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,


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