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chaza/English correspondents

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chaza/English correspondents
Message de chaza posté le 01-12-2010 à 09:45:09 (S | E | F)
I've a degree in English but i am not fluent in english.
So that's why i'am here... to improve my english skills in order to get fluent. At the same time get friends to exchange culture and ideas.
Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2010 20:45

Réponse: chaza/English correspondents de fleure08, postée le 04-12-2010 à 20:43:45 (S | E)

I'm not very good in english but if you don't mind we can try to learn together.keep in touch

Réponse: chaza/English correspondents de samsouma87, postée le 21-12-2010 à 08:17:32 (S | E)
very nice Shaza you can help me please to improve my self in english ans special at the moment im preparing a final project in my university in english language (management of hospitality)

Réponse: chaza/English correspondents de chouky90, postée le 21-12-2010 à 13:04:20 (S | E)
hi chaza
Nice to write you don't worry about your fluency ok just keep on prctice and all will be ok Any way wy don't we keep intouch too exchange in englis don't forget only practice makes perfect the rest is only information Now beak the ice and take off. let me introduce my self to you i'm an african your will learn more about my culture so i look foward reading you if you don't mind wee will speak too
nice week


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