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Scrambled words '71'

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Scrambled words '71'
Message de marit64 posté le 21-07-2010 à 23:06:19 (S | E | F)


Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

1- A type of freshwater fish of the salmon family. ..... (uttor)
2- A very large sealed metal box for carrying goods on a lorry (truck), ship etc. ..... (nnaoeirct)
3- The science of the history and development of the Earth as shown by rocks. ..... (oogglye)
4- To have an unfavourable opinion. ..... (srdvpeaoip)
5- A shaped metal, wooden or plastic frame with a hook on which jackets, dresses etc are hung up. ..... (nraghe)
6- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property. ..... (nlaadv)
7- To (make someone or something) hurry or go quickly. ..... (srhu)
8- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. ..... (notij)
9- Easily seen or understood. ..... (vsoobui)
10- A female sheep. ..... (wee)

Good luck and have fun!

So long

Réponse: Scrambled words '71' de violet91, postée le 22-07-2010 à 00:48:23 (S | E)

Hello , dear Marit , hoping you are fine. Violet is back for you since on holiday and being told by friend nina about your game, yesterday.
This is my go for the first time :

-- Trout. = so nice to eat with almonds.
-- Container. = whatever you put your litter and rubbish in.
-- Geology. " How boring to study in 3rd years' French secondary schools !
-- Disapprove. = sorry for disagreeing with that silly French girl stripping off on Ayers Rock!
-- Hanger. = better for a coat ,a garment than your neck!
-- Vandal .= like those who smashed our kitchen window with a cobblestone!
-- Rush. = You should not hurry "Carpe diem".
-- Joint. = we all have many ;easy to cook when it is beef or veal!..
-- Obvious = "mais, ça ! Bien sûr" French "Sherlock Holmes" concluded clearly
-- Ewe.= here comes the bride..of the sheepgroom!

A pleasure..See you.

Réponse: Scrambled words '71' de headway, postée le 22-07-2010 à 07:59:49 (S | E)
Hi Marit

1-A type of freshwater fish of the salmon family. ..... (uttor)Trout
2- A very large sealed metal box for carrying goods on a lorry (truck), ship etc. ..... (nnaoeirct)Container
3- The science of the history and development of the Earth as shown by rocks. ..... (oogglye)Geology
4- To have an unfavourable opinion. ..... (srdvpeaoip)Disapprove
5- A shaped metal, wooden or plastic frame with a hook on which jackets, dresses etc are hung up. ..... (nraghe)Hanger
6- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property. ..... (nlaadv)Vandal
7- To (make someone or something) hurry or go quickly. ..... (srhu)Rush
8- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. ..... (notij)Joint
9- Easily seen or understood. ..... (vsoobui)Obvious
10- A female sheep. ..... (wee)Ewe

Roll on next week! Im looking forward to a new exercise.

Have a great week.


Réponse: Scrambled words '71' de dolfine56, postée le 22-07-2010 à 10:22:37 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
hope you are fine?

- A type of freshwater fish of the salmon family. ...a trout
2- A very large sealed metal box for carrying goods on a lorry (truck), ship etc. ...a container
3- The science of the history and development of the Earth as shown by rocks. ...geology.
4- To have an unfavourable opinion. disapprove
5- A shaped metal, wooden or plastic frame with a hook on which jackets, dresses etc are hung up. ... hanger
6- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property. ...a vandal
7- To (make someone or something) hurry or go quickly. rush
8- The part of the body where two bones meet but are able to move in the manner of a hinge. ...the join
9- Easily seen or understood. ...obvious
10- A female sheep. ewe.

Thanks a lot, dear Marit, for this latest; have a nice week

Réponse: Scrambled words '71' de eos17, postée le 22-07-2010 à 17:16:34 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Here my words
4-To disapprove
7-To rush
See you soon

Réponse: Scrambled words '71' de nina80, postée le 22-07-2010 à 18:02:11 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1 - trout
2 - container
3 - geology
4 - to disapprove
5 - hanger
6 - vandal
7 - to rush
8 - joint
9 - obvious
10- ewe

Many thanks, see you next week.


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