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Traduction d'anglais vers le françai
Message de dreamvig posté le 14-04-2010 à 19:00:08
je voudrai une traduction des phrase d'anglais vers le français j'ai essayé avec des traducteurs mais il ne marche pas parce que il ne prends pas en compte le sens de la phrase, l'ordre des mots dans la phrase ...
les phrases sont les suivants
• Scale variation: when a person is moving closer or farther to the camera his head is subject to size changes.
• Head orientation: obviously, a head does not look the same from in all it’s sides. For instance, in one side is the face, on another is the back of the head. When a person changes his orientation with respect to the camera, his head appearance changes depending on the visible part of the head.
• Illumination conditions: depending on the illumination sources locations, head appearance is subject to variation because the different parts of the head surface do not reflect the light in the same way, and reflection depends on the unknown geometry (light sources, camera, objects). Thus, illumination vary locally or globally. Each illumination conditions induces specific head
appearance variations as can be seen in 2.1(a).
• Intra-person variability: for the same person, head appearance is subject to variations. People do not have every time the same hair cut. Sometimes people have facial hairs (beard, moustaches)some other time not. People also use make-ups to modify their face appearance.
• Extra-person variability: different person, in general, have different head appearances (see Figure 2.1(b)). Head anthropometric characteristics are person-dependent. People have different eyes, nose, mouth sizes. Some people have facial hairs, long or short hairs, other people not.
• Occlusions: head appearance changes when it is occluded by another object as can be seen in 2.1(c). People frequently have their head partially occluded by their hands, hats or glasses.
• Feature space dimensionality: in the case of a head patch image of 32 × 32 pixels, which is a small size, the head patch belongs to a 1024-dimension space. Modeling in such dimension is difficult because, in general, distributions are peaky and multi-modal.
Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2010 20:08
Tout cela est incompréhensible. Vous avez utilisé un traducteur automatique;nous ne corrigeons pas dans ces conditions.
Message de dreamvig posté le 14-04-2010 à 19:00:08
je voudrai une traduction des phrase d'anglais vers le français j'ai essayé avec des traducteurs mais il ne marche pas parce que il ne prends pas en compte le sens de la phrase, l'ordre des mots dans la phrase ...
les phrases sont les suivants
• Scale variation: when a person is moving closer or farther to the camera his head is subject to size changes.
• Head orientation: obviously, a head does not look the same from in all it’s sides. For instance, in one side is the face, on another is the back of the head. When a person changes his orientation with respect to the camera, his head appearance changes depending on the visible part of the head.
• Illumination conditions: depending on the illumination sources locations, head appearance is subject to variation because the different parts of the head surface do not reflect the light in the same way, and reflection depends on the unknown geometry (light sources, camera, objects). Thus, illumination vary locally or globally. Each illumination conditions induces specific head
appearance variations as can be seen in 2.1(a).
• Intra-person variability: for the same person, head appearance is subject to variations. People do not have every time the same hair cut. Sometimes people have facial hairs (beard, moustaches)some other time not. People also use make-ups to modify their face appearance.
• Extra-person variability: different person, in general, have different head appearances (see Figure 2.1(b)). Head anthropometric characteristics are person-dependent. People have different eyes, nose, mouth sizes. Some people have facial hairs, long or short hairs, other people not.
• Occlusions: head appearance changes when it is occluded by another object as can be seen in 2.1(c). People frequently have their head partially occluded by their hands, hats or glasses.
• Feature space dimensionality: in the case of a head patch image of 32 × 32 pixels, which is a small size, the head patch belongs to a 1024-dimension space. Modeling in such dimension is difficult because, in general, distributions are peaky and multi-modal.
Modifié par lucile83 le 14-04-2010 20:08
Tout cela est incompréhensible. Vous avez utilisé un traducteur automatique;nous ne corrigeons pas dans ces conditions.
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de dolfine56, postée le 14-04-2010 à 19:08:25
Personne ne fera le travail à ta place; tu utilises un bon dico, et tu proposes un texte; on t'aidera à le corriger.
à toi
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de dreamvig, postée le 14-04-2010 à 19:13:16
ça c'est pas un travail demandé à moi . j'ai lis un article en anglais et je voudrais les traduire pour bien apprendre les deux langues . et pour l'utiliser dans mes études pas plus
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de alili, postée le 14-04-2010 à 19:34:35
Ca ne change rien au problème... Proposez votre traduction personnelle et on se fera un plaisir de vous aider.
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de marguerie, postée le 14-04-2010 à 19:39:06
Je crois que sinon il te propose une traduction en haut de l'exercice ou de la page En tout cas c'est ce qu'il y a sur mon ordinateur !! Voila
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de dreamvig, postée le 14-04-2010 à 19:53:33
Scale variation: when a person is moving closer or farther to the camera his head is subject to
size changes.
variation d'échelle : quand le personne se dépalce de loins ou pris de la camera sa tête sera changé
Intra-person variability: for the same person, head appearance is subject to variations. People do not have every time the same hair cut. Sometimes people have facial hairs (beard, moustaches) some other time not. People also use make-ups to modify their face appearance.
variations intra-personne: pour le même personne l'apparence de la tête variée. les personnes avaient pas tout les temps le même cheveux ....
parfois les personnes ont sz barbes parfois non; les personnes utilises parfois maquillage pour modifié leur face
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de dreamvig, postée le 14-04-2010 à 20:02:17
Extra-person variability: different person, in general, have different head appearances . Head anthropometric characteristics are person-dependent. People have different eyes, nose, mouth sizes. Some people have facial hairs, long or short hairs, other people not.
inetr-personne: les caractéristiques anthropométriques du vidage changé d'un personne à un autre . les personne ont des différents nez, bouches, oil....
Occlusions: head appearance changes when it is occluded by another object . People frequently have their head partially occluded by their hands, hats or glasses.
occlusions: apparence de la tête chagé lorsque il est caché par un autre objets les personnes caché leur tête par ces main ...
Feature space dimensionality: in the case of a head patch image of 32 × 32 pixels, which is a small size, the head patch belongs to a 1024-dimension space. Modeling in such dimension is difficult because, in general, distributions are peaky and multi-modal.
La surdimensionnalité de l’image: si la résolution de l'image est 32*32 pixel,qui est une petit résolution .....la modélisation de ces résolution est difficile en général parce que la distribution est multimodale.
Réponse: Traduction d'anglais vers le françai de dreamvig, postée le 14-04-2010 à 20:04:28
j'ai fais une traduction en haut j'espère maintenant je trouve quelqu'un qui les corrigé