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About transports

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About transports
Message from italia2303 posted on 06-03-2010 at 12:15:01 (D | E | F)

Hello, I would like to know a little more about the transports in America.
In Belgium there is the metro, the tram the bus and also the train if you go more away.

Every day, I take, first the bus, after the metro, the tram and finally the bus to go to school.
So, I stay 50 minutes in the transports. And you Which means or transport do you go to school?
What kind of public transports are there in America?
Or maybe do you drive? If yes, do you always take the car?
Is there a lot of traffic jam?
And is it easy to move in the city with the public transports?

Kiss Linda.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2010 17:24

Re: About transports from notrepere, posted on 06-04-2010 at 23:04:58 (D | E)

American cities will generally have some sort of public transportation such as a subway system (generally underground), lightrail (generally above ground) or bus/transit system. Smaller cities generally only have a bus/transit system. Traffic jams are usually only a problem in the largest of American cities, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago. Bus/transit service is fairly comprehensive and quick in most cities. Many roadways and highways have special lanes reserved for buses and carpools, so that means that they don't have to wait in traffic.

Re: About transports from robertbrou, posted on 14-04-2010 at 18:48:50 (D | E)

In addition to notrepere, many public school districts (group of elementary, secondary, and high schools) operate buses that take the children to school. This is separate from public transport/mass transit. Do a search on 'school bus' to find out more.

At age 16, students are eligible to drive in the US. Many kids who can afford to have a car will drive to school on their own. They often car pool.

Hope this helps!

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