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At the edge of the world? (1)

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At the edge of the world?
Message from juliak posted on 26-02-2010 at 19:39:52

"As far as the Roman historians were concerned, Britannia may be off at the edge of the world, but it was off the edge of their world, not in a barbarian wilderness."

Can you say the same phrase sentence but in simple words? Please explain what does it mean "may be off at the edge of the world" means.

Edited by lucile83 on 28-02-2010 08:14

Edited by lucile83 on 29-03-2010 12:23

Re: At the edge of the world? by chrislondon, posted on 27-02-2010 at 23:29:45
I think it means that for the Romans, Britannia was the limit of the world that they knew. Britannia was the last place they knew before the immense sea that they thought was empty.
I hope this helps a little.
Best Wishes

Re: At the edge of the world? by ngo, posted on 21-03-2010 at 21:39:54
i see it may be mean Britannia is not as importent as Roman in that time.

Re: At the edge of the world? by marow20, posted on 29-03-2010 at 12:18:32
it mean that it is away from culture and knowlege

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