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cover letter / correction

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cover letter / correction
Message de steph25aout posté le 15-12-2009 à 17:23:52 (S | E | F)

Hi everybody,

If someone would be nice enough to have a look at my cover letter below, it would be awesome. The deadline for application is tomorrow..!
Thanks a lot for your help which is much appreciated!
Have a good day,

Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your advertisement, I am hereby applying for the post of Junior Project Officer. I have a 3-year-background working for international companies, in communications and project management.
My recent personal and professional experiences working with and for NGO made me want to work for a cause I believe in. That is why I would be very proud and excited about the prospect of working for XXX. The development of a sustainable economic growth in developing countries is a burning issue and I would be glad to contribute to that project.
I understood you are looking for someone with a background in finance and economics;However, I am a quick learner and I have always been very committed to my job. That is why I am confident I will be able to quickly develop my knowledge in that field;
During my past experiences, I always tried to be innovative and to implement new projects. I am therefore used to driving research on the internet and in diverse publications to produce briefings and recommendations from existing best practices.
I also have a good command in the organization of events and in project management. To reach my targets and to respect deadlines, I developed excellent organization skills, I am also used to working under pressure and under tight deadlines as well as multi-tasking.
While working for XXX, I was responsible for the definition and implementation of the internal communication strategy for the Southern Europe part (France, Italy, Spain). Through this experience, I learned how to deal with a multicultural team, defining a commune strategy while trying to respect national specificities and cultures.
Self starter, I have always worked with limited supervision and I am able to show initiative and work independently with a degree of autonomy.
I have enclosed my curriculum vitae .

I look forward to hearing from you soon and would be glad to supply you with any further details you might require.

Yours sincerely,

Edited by bridg on 15-12-2009 17:51

Réponse: cover letter / correction de gerondif, postée le 16-12-2009 à 14:56:47 (S | E)
je trouve votre lettre tout à fait correcte, j'aurais juste dit: as a self starter,ou "a self starter",I ... (on met a devant les noms de métiers)


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