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Correction /Golden Gate Bridge

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Correction /Golden Gate Bridge
Message de sai95 posté le 05-12-2009 à 16:19:02 (S | E | F)

Bonjour à tous et à toutes.

Pouriez-vous me corriger ce texte car j'ai quelque doute

texte en francais:

Le Golden Gate Bridge est un pont suspendu qui traverse la Californie du Golden Gate, un détroit qui est la jonction entre la baie de San Francisco et l'océan Pacifique. Elle relie la ville de San Francisco, située à l'extrémité nord de la péninsule de San Francisco à la ville de Sausalito, située à l'extrémité sud de la péninsule de Marin County. Financé par la Work Projects Administration (WPA), sa construction, qui a fait face à de nombreuses complications, a débuté en 1933 et s'est échelonnée sur une période de quatre ans et s'est terminé en 1937. Le Golden Gate Bridge a été jusqu'en 1964 le pont suspendu le plus long du monde, et est aujourd'hui le monument le plus célèbre de San Francisco. Il est également très facilement reconnaissable par sa couleur «orange international» et l'architecture de ses deux tours. Une classification de l'American Society of Civil Engineers, cette œuvre d'art fait partie des sept merveilles du monde moderne.

texte en anglais:
The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge that crosses the California Golden Gate, a strait which is the junction between the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. It connects the city of San Francisco, located at the northern tip of the peninsula from San Francisco to the city of Sausalito, located at the southern tip of the peninsula in Marin County. Funded by the Work Projects Administration (WPA), its construction, which has faced many complications, began in 1933 and took place over a period of four years and ended in 1937. The Golden Gate Bridge was until 1964 the suspension bridge the world's longest, and is today the most famous monument in San Francisco. It is also very easily recognizable by its color "international orange" and the architecture of its two towers. A classification of the American Society of Civil Engineers, this work of art is part of the seven wonders of the modern world.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-12-2009 16:36
titre + forum

Réponse: Correction /Golden Gate Bridge de seb06000, postée le 05-12-2009 à 17:14:10 (S | E)

voici quelques indications:

"The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension( il faut la forme participe passé) bridge that crosses the California Golden Gate, a strait which is the junction between the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. It connects the city of San Francisco, located at the northern tip of the peninsula from San Francisco to the city of Sausalito, located at the southern tip of the peninsula in Marin County. Funded by the Work Projects Administration (WPA), its construction, which has faced many complications, began in 1933 and took place over a period of four years and ended in 1937. The Golden Gate Bridge was until 1964 the suspension bridge the world's longest, and is today the most famous monument in San Francisco. It is also very easily recognizable by its color "international orange" and the architecture of its two towers. A classification of the American Society of Civil Engineers, this work of art is part of the seven wonders of the modern world"

Je ne crois pas me tromper concernant ' suspension' sinon le reste est parfait!

Réponse: Correction /Golden Gate Bridge de dolfine56, postée le 06-12-2009 à 11:17:25 (S | E)
and here it is:

Réponse: Correction /Golden Gate Bridge de sai95, postée le 11-12-2009 à 18:55:08 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide


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